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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Mar 2025 01:28:27 +0000

Post From: Interactive Broker account not recognize this morning. ( cant trade... )

[2021-09-01 21:17:50]
GravisHTG - Posts: 306
Ok , I check and I found an error that only happen to GBS on any instance. ( i got 12 )

Just realize I have an error code and I tought it was it , but I try to redownload or to trade on another Symblo and it work.

I paste the message log in a text file and did a print of my Trade service.

So basicly , I try to Trade with my keyboard shortcut on GBS - ( all limit shortcut ) and the trade is just not going to the IB platform.

I see the buy line or sell line on my SC platform , but I dont see anything in my activity monitor of IB and I cannot edit the Buy/Sell line from SC. And when I cancel the order , I dont have have the Voice clue from IB. ( order CANCEL )

If you need anything else , Just ask me ! ( I will add everything you ask or need tomorrow ! )

And its the first time I am aware of this error that happen in the message log ( might have been there for a while , I dont look at that often )
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-09-01 21:42:57
imagedddd.PNG / V - Attached On 2021-09-01 21:15:28 UTC - Size: 173.98 KB - 167 views
attachmentweird error code.txt - Attached On 2021-09-01 21:15:38 UTC - Size: 176.59 KB - 344 views