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Date/Time: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 17:29:01 +0000

Post From: How to use Trade Management Study & Parabolic SAR only for 2nd quantity of attached order?

[2021-08-24 13:58:43]
BenjaminR - Posts: 172
Using attached orders "2TargetsWith BE Stop"... we want to use the fixed offset stop upon order entry, but after the 1st target is reached, using the Trade Management Study & the Parabolic study, for the 2nd quantity's stop order to only begin moving when the Parabolic "catches up" to it.

In other words, to just use the TMS & the Parabolic, often the entry will place the OCO attached stop just too far away. So the idea is that once the position is moving in our direction, not to risk more than if the position immediately moved against us... but trail as far as possible until stopped out by the attached order following the Parabolic SAR. But ONLY after the PSAR has caught up to the initial stop position.

Please advise. Thank you!
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-08-24 13:59:26