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Date/Time: Tue, 25 Feb 2025 01:38:59 +0000

Post From: Activating

[2021-03-24 13:35:56]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38150
First of all, Denali is a Data Feed. That is all.

Sierra Chart also has the Sierra Chart Order Routing Service, but that service is no longer supported by AMP. When TT had their issues with order routing to the CME Group about a month ago, AMP decided to end their service with TT, thus ending the support for the Sierra Chart Order Routing Service, which uses TT in the background.

Therefore, since you are with AMP, they should have changed you to using CQG for your Order Routing. We do not recommend using CQG Data, but for Order Routing it is fine.

We do see that you are signed up for the Denali Data Feed, and it looks like you are setup to connect to CQG. Given this, you should be good to move forward and trade again. The only thing you will need to do is to let AMP know that you no longer want the data from CQG (just the data, you still need CQG for order routing).

With regards to the multiple accounts, we do not know why exactly, the second Sierra Chart account that ends with A was created. You should just continue to use the account that DOES NOT end with A and that you have posted to this board with. You should have access to both accounts from within Sierra Chart. Refer to the following for how to change your Trading Account:
Basic Trading and the Trade Window: Main/C >> Trade Account (Selecting Trade Account for Chart / Trade DOM)
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing