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Date/Time: Tue, 25 Feb 2025 18:58:34 +0000

Post From: Incomplet data feed for the symbol F.US.BP6M21 Inbox

[2021-03-23 16:42:10]
bogdan balas - Posts: 8
Dear Sirs,

I have an active pack 5 subscrision and a trading account on AMP with a CQG data feed. On F.US.BP6M21 symbol with a chart that has TPO studies I see only the data from 17,03,2021. I can not scroll on time axis. The same setup I have for F.US.EU6M21 symbol and is working fine I can scroll the historical data.
If I make an upgrade to Pack 11 can I trade with AMP account?

Thank you,


imageF.US.BP6M21 picture.jpg / V - Attached On 2021-03-23 16:40:45 UTC - Size: 155.93 KB - 226 views