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Date/Time: Mon, 24 Feb 2025 09:15:39 +0000

Post From: Urgent:AMP Sierra/Denali user had to switch to CQG order routing: asked for payment.Please help

[2021-03-04 17:37:06]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38116
1. Last Fri., Feb.26, I Was told that AMP will continue handling my payments: AMP user: Sierra/Denali switch from TT to CQG routing - help is needed
John - SC Support [Direct Messages] - Posts: 5413 | Ending Date: 2021-03-31
Your account is setup to be paid through AMP, including the data feed.
That message was a mistake on our part. Just ignore it if it comes up again.

Is this correct?

My conversation with them(AMP) was last Friday, Feb.26. On Monday, March 1st, I was updated by AMP that they were going to have a meeting with you(Sierra) to straighten it all out. I'm OK paying directly to Sierra, just wanted to make sure we're all on the same page and there will be no going back and forth on this, and starting April 1st we will be paying to Sierra directly. And this is the FINAL and latest and greatest info, and AMP is all OK with this.

This has been worked out now, and the current situation is now that you will be paying for Sierra Chart directly to us (Sierra Chart). Your account is already setup to be paid directly to us.

2. How will I know if automatic option is available. Currently it says
Use Update and Renew Now to manually extend the usage time on your account for the number of selected months and Service Package and have the amount deducted from the Service Balance. However, there is not a need to do this because this will happen automatically on 2021-04-10.
So the question is: will it happen automatically or I still need to do it manually before April 10th?

Your account will automatically renew as long as you have enough funds in your account to do so. You can add funds to your account here:

You can always view the status of your account from the Control Panel, which can be accessed here:

3. As suggested I'm going to ignore msg
Your Sierra Chart account has a trading account for the SC Order Routing service and your Sierra Chart services balance is below 5 USD. To continue to have access to the service to pay for order fills, you need to add additional credit to your account.
You will need to make a payment of 42 USD.
My assumption is that it will eventually be corrected and AMP users will no longer see it. Please confirm.

Yes, you can ignore the message related to Order Fills. This will be taken care of in the next few weeks.

4. When ( tentatively ) Sierra will have its own direct CME order routing service ?

We do not like to give specific dates, as things always come up and make them change. We are actively working on this and we hope in the next few months to have it starting to work.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing