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Date/Time: Sun, 23 Feb 2025 02:50:19 +0000

Post From: Suggestion for Improvement - Studies Window

[2021-02-03 08:44:13]
User186889 - Posts: 54
Hi Sierra, I think Sierra is a great tool, but does have its quirks that could, I believe, benefit others by simple changes. My suggestion is a change of format of the Studies Window to include:

1. A deeper 'Studies To Graph - Alerts' window so I can see the code I am writing without having to peer at it through a letter box
2. The facility to add remarks after my code - for example: -=(id1.sg1>50)// or Rem "This setting was too sensitive on 45"
3. Add a separate window for 'My Notes'. I write many pieces of code but I do not want to have to copy and paste to a WORD file etc each time

I have added a PNG file as a working example
Thanks - Mark B
imageSuggestion for Improvement on Sierra Studies Window.png / V - Attached On 2021-02-03 08:41:46 UTC - Size: 62.54 KB - 196 views
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