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Date/Time: Sat, 22 Feb 2025 08:53:41 +0000

Post From: Sierra repeatedly slows down.

[2021-01-21 17:39:36]
User725605 - Posts: 60
Since the last few Sierra updates I have noticed that after Sierra has been open for a bit it consistently slows down to a crawl such
that any attempt at scrolling through my charts is a click by click process. Data still comes through well and is correct.
When I check via task manager my resource pull shows that Sierra is designated as running very high and my CPU usage is between
12 and 15%. All other running processes are LOW. No other applications are open other than Sierra. When I shut Sierra down and re-open it this temporarily solves this issue and my resource pull goes to very low to moderate with CPU at 2 to 3%. Then the resource pull climbs again. Regrettably I am force to re-boot Sierra two to three times in a morning trading session. I have a new and very powerful gaming-strong computer, so no issues with processor speed
or ram at all.