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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:15:44 +0000

Post From: Sierra Freezing and Stopped working.

[2014-02-10 20:20:18]
User23386 - Posts: 43
I followed your instructions above and removed ALL DLL's studies into the back up folder and started sierra charts again WITHOUT any DLL's. I did the exact same procedure as I was doing prior to moving the dll's and sierra crashed again without any dll's present in the data folder. I was doing the following. Setting up color and line formats on the Volume Value Area Lines and TPO Value Area Lines indicators. I set the Volume Value Area Lines indicator to show Vol POC, Vol VAL, Vol VAH, All set to draw style Dash, Line style Solid 5, Name & Value, Right & Values Scales (All Centered) and the gave each level a Short Name. I then did the same with the TPO Value Area Lines indicator with the exception I set the Draw Style to 'Right Hash' width 4, Name & Value, Right Edge & Values Scale (All Centered) and then gave each a Short Name. This procedure was done WITHOUT ANY DLL's studies in the data folder. It looks to me that setting the Draw Sytle to 'Right Hash' on the TPO Value Area Lines indicator maybe causing the crash. I adjusted both indicators as per above very quickly and was able to crash sierra on multiple occasions today after removing ALL DLL's. Maybe you can replicate on your end.
