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Date/Time: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 05:52:58 +0000

Post From: Chart Vertical Grid Lines and Time Line Study not aligned for same timestamp

[2020-10-25 06:56:48]
User992529 - Posts: 32
On a Volume Bar chart where "Advanced Settings 2 - Vertical Grid Lines" is Enabled at Session Start (eg 09:00:00) and a Time Line Study with time of 09:00:00 is added, the two are not drawn on the same location.
The VGL is drawn before the session first bar (inbetween last O/N bar and first session bar), whereas the TL is drawn at the center of the first bar correctly.
This does not always happen for all days, sometimes the Fri Vertical Grid Line is correctly drawn.

If switching to Time Bars, the two are coinciding as one would expect.

Moreover, probably related, when transitioning through the Time Line timestamp (Replay or during real time), the text label shows more than once, sometimes twice, sometimes 3 times, sometimes 4 times at slightly different horizontal offsets. Recalculate (Ctrl+Ins) seems to clear them. Switching from Nearest to Containing seems to fix it. Example for 09:30:00 I would get "BBB", one left, one centered, one to the right of the bar instead of just one "B".

I was running this setup since one year but this all has started happening since a month or so so I assume there were some changes in this area that broke it.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-10-25 06:58:42
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