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Date/Time: Wed, 12 Feb 2025 12:48:02 +0000

Post From: DAX Futures

[2020-10-15 20:21:52]
User450463 - Posts: 128
OK, I set this up.

1. Do I have to buy 150 symbols AND the EUREX Feed? I don't want 150 symbols... I want the EUREX feed and one symbol: DAX FUTURES.

2. If I do have to buy both, where is the 20 symbols choice shown in the setup page? All I saw was 150 and 500.

3. Why do I have to sign agreements for the NYSE? I'm not using NYSE data.

4. What do I have to do on the AMP end for order routing?

5. Frankfurt hours of course, are quite different from CME. How should I set my chart up for this. Use the Frankfurt hours in my local time? Set a time zone somewhere?

It appears to be working. At least I can find the symbol and produce a chart. No idea if I can route and order.

I would appreciate it if you would answer the questions instead of pointing me to a web page with a WALL OF TEXT.

Thank you.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-10-15 20:38:01