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Date/Time: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 14:01:47 +0000

Post From: ZZ turning point- H or L

[2020-09-05 01:57:20]
ForgivingComputers.com - Posts: 1001
want to get last ZZ turning point H or L - color background.

- if last turning point is L - color green
- if last turning point is H - color red

whaat is the easiest way to do this?
In the Zig-Zag study set "Additional Output for Spreadsheets" to Yes and then you can see the Reversal Price in SG3. Use the "Color Background Based on Alert Condition" study and create an alert formula comparing SG3 to the Zig Zag Midpoint (SG7). If above the midpoint it is a H and if below it is a L. You will need one study for each color you want to use.


Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-09-05 01:59:03