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Date/Time: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 08:54:58 +0000

Post From: Volume Value Area Lines study stopped TSLA chart from plotting 8-31-20, 1st post split day

[2020-09-01 02:55:04]
gjockey - Posts: 48

Just ran into this quirk. I use the "Volume Area Lines" study with a bunch of other studies and I usually have intraday charts up for symbols TSLA and AAPL. Both had their first day post split today (8-31-20). The AAPL chart was fine today, but the TSLA chart stopped at 8-28-20 and was not plotting any intraday data today. After the close today, I duplicated the TSLA chart and messed around removing studies to see if that would get it to chart. I found removing the Volume Value Area Lines study did the trick. Just thought I'd let you know. It was more of a nuisance and not a big deal (assuming it's just a 1 day post split quirk on the symbol). I attached a pic. Chart 1 is AAPL + "Volume Area Lines" study. Chart 2 is TSLA + "Volume Area Lines" study. Chart 3 is TSLA - "Volume Area Lines" study.
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