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Date/Time: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 01:40:42 +0000

Post From: Previous version(s) questions?

[2020-08-20 19:00:53]
User22396 - Posts: 191
Hello support...I came across one of my old trading laptops with various previous versions installed that I want to try to dig into so I can revisit some 'custom studies' I created and also research ideas in these old chartbooks...

I believe there is a version 'cutoff' where these older dll's won't work with the current versions and will need to be re-coded/re-compiled. What is the oldest version that will allow the older dll's to 'work'? I am not looking to use that cutoff version with any live data I just want to retrieve any coded studies/chartbooks to study and then try to 'bring' into the present if that makes sense?

For example I tried to login to version1032 from 2013 and version1398 from 2016 and both return 'invalid account name or PW" using my current credentials so I assume some sort of version cutoff exists?

Any help appreciated...thanks