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Date/Time: Fri, 07 Feb 2025 14:52:50 +0000

Post From: Study Alert - Customised Alert Format

[2020-06-03 00:43:07]
User582996 - Posts: 7
I have setup some alerts to notify me of chart conditions that signal a buy or sell scenario with alerts being generated as an email message as well. I have the Alerts box open on my screen to follow relevant alerts over the trading day.

The way that the alerts are produced is either extremely short if I select 'Use User Defined Name Only in Alert Message' in Global Settings/general Settings/Alerts and does not include the chart name/currency pair.

Using the full message alert is very long which results in needing a large Alerts box open on my desktop. I would like to be able to set an alert of include the chart name (eg. GBPCAD), Time and 'defined Alert Name' only similar to the attached image.

I cannot find a way to display alerts in a condensed for like this or see a solution on the support board.

Can anyone assist in advising if a custom selected alert message can be created in SC that also inputs the time and chart name?

Many thanks
imageSC Alerts Example.JPG / V - Attached On 2020-06-03 00:41:02 UTC - Size: 164.93 KB - 252 views