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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 21:55:34 +0000

Post From: Volume Bars in TradeDOM alignment

[2020-03-27 20:40:22]
joshtrader - Posts: 500
I have the "Bid Size/Buy Column" and the "Ask Size/Sell Column".

As you can see, the text is aligned to the right for the buy column, and to the left for the sell column. However, the volume bars in each are aligned opposite--the dark blue is the volume bar color and is left aligned, and the dark red is the volume bar color and is right aligned. How do I align the volume bars for the buy column to the right, and for the sell column to the left, as the text is?

On another note: if I select "Automatic Sizing" for both of these columns, click OK, and reenter the "Customize Trade DOM Columns" dialog, the "Automatic Sizing" option is still selected but greyed out and unable to change.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-03-27 20:41:05
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