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Date/Time: Fri, 07 Feb 2025 17:13:06 +0000

Post From: Replay not working

[2020-03-23 22:34:23]
User884307 - Posts: 173
The DOM bid/offer prices are not refreshing..... they are staying put without changing then new print are going over them until you end up with a mess of numbers over existing numbers.

This is a problem that I have mentioned before and of which you acknowledged when other ppl also started seeing prob, i would appreciate it if you dont just dismiss my problem outright and wait for others to eventually come forward.

Less experienced traders find it difficult to admit they use replay so the problem doesnt manifest until other ppl also report it.

Like I say ive had to go back to version 2052 which definately works. I havent had time to increment versions until I hit the one that is no longer working yet but needless to say 2052 is working fine. Common sense stipulatesd that if 2052 is working 100% and the latest version is not working 100% then either a direct or indirect factor is causing the problem!