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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Feb 2025 08:43:41 +0000

Post From: changing from AMP-Rithmic data feed to Sierra's (non-professional)

[2019-12-04 02:19:32]
User912279 - Posts: 102
No issues, thank you.
Perhaps this was the only way AMP could arrange the SC5 payments thru them, while Sierra directly charges the data feed. (?)

I know I can count on you to help me thru the next two months' payments before I can migrate then this last part to Sierra as well.

As for the quality of the Denali data feed; I kept on monitoring the data delay during times of increased volatility and these last weeks I noticed a slight (maybe a second long) delay in times of volatility on ES prices displayed in Sierra compared to my Interactive Brokers.

So, unfortunately I will have to experiment with lowering my Market Depth Data, but I as you described and see how that improves the delay. Of course this delay is no-way near as debilitating as Rithmic's 10-30 second delay used to be!

I will keep you updated.

And thank you again for your help and hope the payments will be seamless from here on.