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Date/Time: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 19:59:45 +0000

Post From: Order modification after some time

[2019-09-27 15:33:28]
User634719 - Posts: 4

My goal is to modify placed order after N minutes.
I've tested on AAPL symbol.
I use this approach:

SCDateTime TimeToCheckFor;

int CurrentDate = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index].GetDate();
int CurrentTime = sc.BaseDateTimeIn[sc.Index].GetTime();



// TimeToCheckFor is then saved in persistent storage

and then at some point I check:

if (sc.IsDateTimeContainedInBarIndex(TimeToCheckFor, sc.Index))

//perform the action here


And the condition is TRUE on the first check, because if I output seconds (GetTimeInSeconds()), for example:
- CurentDateTime is 64800; maybe it's time of the bar open; I guess bar "duration" is 2 hours;
- if I add 120 seconds (2 min) it will be 64920;
- current time at the moment when condition is checked 71250.

If I use sc.ArraySize - 1 instead of sc.Index it won't work as well.
I can use GetCurrentDateTime() but I guess it won't work if I apply my study to the replay.

And my question is how can I do any action (e.g. modify order) after some time after I've placed the order (live stream and replay)?