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Date/Time: Sun, 02 Feb 2025 03:03:43 +0000

Post From: Fut. Spread order won't execute on Denali/ORS but still works on SC+CQG Feed

[2019-08-13 15:01:55]
ErikT - Posts: 121
Hi again guys. I don't know whether I'm supposed to go to Advantage, TT, or SC for support when an order won't work on the SC ORS but works with CQG. If I should be going to someone else for support fixing this, please advise who to contact.

When I first connected Denali/ORS to SC 1971, two trades for CL futures worked. But when I attempted to place my first order on CL futures SPREADS today, it was rejected. Here is the Trade Service Log text:

SC Futures Order Routing/Data order update (Order reject). Info: TT order update (Rejected). Text: Route is currently unavailable for Route::acct_id=103514,Route::market_id=7. Internal Order ID: 8689. Service Order ID: 52849. Symbol: CLZ20-CLM21.CL.FUT_SPREAD.NYMEX. Account: 737C6601 | 2019-08-13 10:24:31.696 *

The order was placed using the chart DOM on a chart that seemed to be working fine. I was able to place the same order without error using SC+CQG Web API feed using symbol F.US.CLES6Z20, so it's working fine with Advantage and the Exchange. Problem must be SC ORS or TT Fix, but I can't tell which.

Thanks guys!