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Date/Time: Sat, 01 Feb 2025 14:55:36 +0000

Post From: SCDLLName missing even though it's there

[2019-07-19 13:01:15]
User929084 - Posts: 60
For some reason I still get the "Missing SCDLLName..." after study is successfully build. And I get this msg in the log:

The custom study "C:\SierraChart\Data\BidAskDifferenceWithMovingAverage_64.dll" is missing the SCDLLName line. Windows error code 127: The specified procedure could not be found. | 2019-07-19 07:41:54.894 *

I will try do download current version and see if that helps.

But to clarify, how should I include the SCDLLName?

1. //SCDLLName("Name of Study")

2. SCDLLName("Name of Study")

Because in the documentation it is #2, but in user contributed studies it is #1.

Thank you.