Support Board
Date/Time: Sat, 01 Feb 2025 08:44:54 +0000
Post From: Chartbook with 8 charts only open with 1 chart
[2019-07-02 11:59:51] |
Dom7364 - Posts: 257 |
With my attitude? I pay to access a service and piece of software where clients are the beta testers. It is therefore normal that a. Clients ask for support and b. SC support answers their question. This may annoy you but if you do not want to reply to issues then do something else. When someone relies on something to trade and it stops working for no reason other than having ran an update, then you may understand why one might bet annoyed and impatient. Yes some people do trade and rely on what they put together to work strangely. With your type of attitude you should be banned from working in support. Related to the issue, I updated to 1945, open a 7 sheet workbook, it crashed and did not open several times. I downgraded to current version and it now open and does not crash but only open 1 of the 7 sheet, and the 6 other one have disappeared. Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-07-05 05:34:23