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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Mar 2025 22:46:09 +0000

Post From: hard drive space and sierrachart

[2019-06-30 07:38:24]
qiw4u23oi4u234 - Posts: 34
Firs of all, why does sierrachart take so much hard drive space compare to other trading platoforms (eg. TWS)?

The 'DATA' folder of my sierrachart is now close to 200gb. There are a lot of chartbooks of instruments that I do not trade anymore.
So I went to File>Open Chartbook then deleted all the chartbooks I don't use anymore. However, that did not change anything in terms of hard drive space.

Do I have to manually go through all the files in the 'data' folder and delete unecessary files? (I am afraid I might delete something important, or end up changing some settings on my existing charts) Or is there any way to delete all the files associated with a specific chartbook?

Also, for example, suppose I already have a chartbook of a daily chart of crude oil with 200 days. Then, if I make a new chartbook and load another daily chart of crude oil (either by duplicating previous chart or by clicking 'find symbbol') does the size of sierrachart increase or remain the same?

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-06-30 07:50:46