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Date/Time: Sun, 26 Jan 2025 07:10:01 +0000

Post From: Rows of Data dissappearing in depth on DOM -CQG data

[2019-02-07 20:20:58]
User580737 - Posts: 8
The issue of losing data rows on the offer side of the DOM only affects the SFE data.
CME is not affected
If I have to use an alternative data supply to remedy - I'm happy to do so if it is a CQG / Sierra combination issue for SFE
But if there is no alternative to SFE data than CQG I'm stuck
I still need CQG for routing
I have contacted CQG they simply say they can see indefinite rows of SFE data in their DOM so their data is OK - doesn't help me.
I'm also using CQG for three other futures exchanges.
Changing color palettes on DOM didn't allow me to see where the market would open for SFE - I'll keep fiddling but open suggestions