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Date/Time: Fri, 24 Jan 2025 17:37:09 +0000

Post From: Additional qty numbers color input line for the Market Depth Historical Graph study

[2019-01-20 22:09:39]
User50927 - Posts: 91
I'm very grateful for the extra effort guys! I've been a customer for about decade and therefore, I think I understand your operational constraints. On the plus side, I'm very happy that your business continues to grow - I certainly do my part to spread the word in trade/chat rooms whenever I can!

I want to make sure that none of your time is wasted on the heatmap coloring logic of the study because it works perfectly fine in my opinion. If possible, what I would like to see is an extra "Quantity Numbers Color" line (ln:7) in the settings window that one can use whenever the "Show Quantity Numbers" option is selected, but that will only color numbers greater than a certain input value. Using the ES contract as an example, my default volume numbers color is black but I would like to color in red the volumes that exceed 450, irrespective of what the heatmap background color might be. Sorry for belaboring the point and thanks.