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Date/Time: Sun, 19 May 2024 13:39:00 +0000

Post From: Bitmex execInst

[2018-10-29 12:08:14]
User465507 - Posts: 74
There's a little change I think you can make which'll have a huge impact on your users.

There's a 'Close' flag that your software supports. It's slightly different from 'ReduceOnly' in that you don't have to specify order Qty. If no order Qty is specified Bitmex will automatically close your full position and it's not subject to load shedding (which is a serious problem on Bitmex). This will let people get out of their position with a much higher chance of success.

See https://blog.bitmex.com/api_announcement/load-shedding-and-close-execinst/

I noticed Sierra always sends some default order Qty even if none is specified, which makes sense, but in this specific instance it's a big disadvantage.