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Date/Time: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 09:58:19 +0000

Post From: net pl

[2018-09-13 22:17:28]
User672082 - Posts: 62
I should not get a zero, because, within the DOM and attached trade window, I am always able to see my PnL, both net and daily. However, today I set a target when I was up over 8k on the trade. Where I set the target I would have had over 10k in profit. When I came back 15 mins later my target was hit but PnL showed 0.00 on all. My broker see the PnL but this is the first time the Sierra DOM has ever behaved this way and I didnt change anything. I would like to know what happened in that 15 mins when my PnL was showing to when my target was hoiit and nothing displayed. This is obviously all on live trading, CQG data, etc....

I am not talking about mark to market accounting either. Simply that the numbers that have always shown, all of a sudden stopped. I did not make any other trades for the day to check it. I don't like trading w/o full confidence in my software. Thanks for all your help. I will keep digging into that page you pointed me to but I dont see it in there.