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Date/Time: Sun, 19 Jan 2025 18:00:07 +0000

Post From: Dark Theme For Windows 10 Users

[2018-04-05 11:52:04]
Xfanman1 - Posts: 320
The theme I used on the image I posted above is called Flattened with the Win-7-8-10-Light Substyle applied. There are other dark themes available on their customization website also, Dark Mode, Distinct, Flat Dark and others.

I haven't had much time to play with these yet but it's a nice start I think. I don't like that my Task Bar has changed some style elements and I'll look into modifying these themes to change just the colors and not the some of the other elements I don't care for. If anyone comes up with something clean first, please share it here. Since the window borders change with the different themes, it will mess with your SC layout and you'll most likely have to reposition charts and things on your platform layout.


EDIT: I forgot to mention, in case you didn't notice in their website, you can download the custom themes from other users I mention above (and more) on their WinCustomize website. -->

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-04-05 12:17:35