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Date/Time: Sun, 19 Jan 2025 06:12:51 +0000

Post From: NOBM8 contract doesn't display correctly

[2018-03-21 12:41:21]
User953894 - Posts: 59
I'm using CQG Web API and trying to trade the NOB contract. I validated with my broker that the correct format for the instrument name is F.US.NOBM8. The chart loads and even givers the correct name as NOB (10yr - 30yr) ICS Spread: June 2 on the chart window header. But the grid labels and values show -0.5/32, -1/32, etc. instead of the expected values of somewhere around 216-217.

Also, I tried to enter an order for this instrument, just to see. I opened a sell limit that wouldn't be executed. It accepted, but in looking at the Orders and Positions window, the margin requirement is displayed as 2000.00. When I tried this yesterday, the margin displayed as 2500.00. In checking with the broker, the correct margin should be 1265.00.

The broker couldn't understand why the problem, and suggests I check with you to help identify the problem.