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Date/Time: Sun, 19 Jan 2025 00:12:18 +0000

Post From: Bar by Bar appearance in different timeframes

[2018-02-27 18:41:39]
User924725 - Posts: 26

either i dont understand well what i should do or something else is wrong,

please if you could try to replay on your charts
2 diferent timeframe charts (5min, 15min), which are linked together with scroll potition / and try to replay with jump method to NEXT BAR using the jump forward tab

then you will see the following as a result

1> the 5min chart will move bar by bar
2> the 15min chart will form the HOLE 15min bar something that is not right in my opinion

then hit again jump forward tab one more time again and a second 15min candle will form ( but on the 5min chart total we have 2 5min bars)
So total for 5min chart is 10 minutes of bars formed but on the 15min chart total of 30min of bars formed.

The right result would be : moving the 5min chart by one bar AND GET the 1/3 of the move on the 15min chart AND NOT the hole 15min candle.
Maybe is a bit difficult for you to understand what i say because my english are not very good.