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Date/Time: Sat, 18 Jan 2025 22:59:46 +0000

Post From: SC Exchange Data Feed Data Momentary Interruption on One Server

[2018-02-14 15:11:30]
Usermb - Posts: 126
My beef is with the historical data, because that affects me long term in too many a way to list. And IMHO it is possible to fix this in such a way that it won't happen again. You don't have to be paranoid at all stages, but after a connection drop/timeout, full steam paranoia is really helpful (e.g. check known/received samples inside a time window against the server etc.)

Of course, being online 24x7 is nice, but I know what this means, and I know outages happen everywhere. Who cannot live without it, needs redundancy at all levels, including RT data feeds.