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Date/Time: Sat, 18 Jan 2025 01:43:40 +0000

Post From: Current TPO developing Volume Profile

[2018-01-09 23:07:13]
BenjaminR - Posts: 170
Indeed, and I can currently do that; however, I also want to keep seeing the volume profile for the whole session as it develops.

*** I should perhaps add... this configuration of 2 volume profiles would only be for the most current, recent profile on the right side of the chart. I wouldn't want to see the last 30 min volume profile next to the entire session's profile for every profile in the chart - only the current one.

I could see a conflict w/ users overlaying the TPOs and the volume profiles. The 30 min volume profile should remain independent, if a user prefers to have the standard volume profile for a session underlay the TPO profile.

Hope this helps clarify. I can create an example if needed.