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Date/Time: Tue, 14 Jan 2025 23:31:29 +0000

Post From: ZigZag Study Settings

[2017-05-15 16:21:46]
Tojo - Posts: 4
The zigzag settings option to "Color the zigzag line using " either none / slope / trend confirmed volume / confirmed volume is excellent and very useful.
Personally, I prefer to display text and leave the zigzag line hidden. A hidden line has the benefit of less clutter and no interference with price bars.
To use the feature of coloring by either " none / slope / trend confirmed volume / confirmed volume" is it possible to add this coloring option to zigzag text?
In other words, adding the following new option to zigzag settings ..........
"Color the zigzag TEXT using " either none / slope / trend confirmed volume
Thank you in advance for considering this enhancement to the zigzag study.