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Date/Time: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 18:45:54 +0000

Post From: Button Captions

[2017-03-05 23:16:07]
User104854 - Posts: 457
I went in to use this for my control bar buttons. Specifically the Trade Management Study. I have 3 of them on my control bar. By default they all are labeled TMS. I went in and set the button captions to TMS1, TMS2, and TMS3 and it changed them on the control bar. But as soon as I went into the actual TMS study from a chart and changed the ACS control bar button number it changes the button back to the default which is TMS. Am I missing a setting somewhere or can this be fixed?

Regardless of the simplicity of this particular example I would like to use the graphics settings and labels for other buttons and want to make sure that they'll work.

Thank you.