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Date/Time: Sun, 12 Jan 2025 11:39:06 +0000

Post From: Spreadsheet flatten position at certain time

[2017-02-14 14:21:33]
User170575 - Posts: 221
Good morning,

Yes, Auto is enabled.

I tried the replay and it does work---but found this issue(see image)---not sure why it would
take a double position when the formula is "=AND($J$5=0,CK3>0)"? And the second order is the one that
did not sell at 3:55.

=AND($J$5=0,CK3>0)---this is sheet2--cell K3.


Here is the sell formula: =AND($J$10>1000)

Flatten Postitions is set to TRUE
at 15:55:00

Thanks for all your help,
