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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 04:33:28 +0000

Denali data stuttering at 9:41am EDT today

View Count: 1615

[2025-03-11 13:51:39]
joshtrader - Posts: 504
At 9:41am EDT today, CME data from Denali began coming through with incremental pauses of a few milliseconds up to a second or two. The data is coming but it is at times untradeable. It is not my internet connection which I've tested for throughput, latency, and jitter. Everything is buttery smooth otherwise. Everything was fine before, it was a sudden change and very noticeable. I have a video of it that I can post later. I realize it's basically impossible to troubleshoot this but I wanted to post in case others experienced the same thing. Perhaps SC Engr could check everything on your end and see whether the Denali feed looks healthy?

Main points:
* my internet connection is fine because placing orders gets instant confirmation, no pending orders, etc. It's very smooth. Only the data itself is choppy/delayed.
* I added the Data Delay at the DOM header. At first it was reading all zeroes even with the stuttering, but now I have seen a 6-7 second data delay reported at times
* I disconnected and reconnected twice, several minutes apart, to assess whether this would have any effect, and it did not.
* Another user reports below that it's only one contract but I can verify that it's at least ES and NQ.
* I observe this behavior in two separate installations
* To repeat, this began at 9:41am EDT, and was very distinct

edit at 10:38am EDT: added screenshot just now of a 14 second data delay from chart header.
edit at 10:47am EDT: at this time the data looks like it's back to normal, with no jitter/stutter. I'm going to cross my fingers and hope it's all fixed!
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2025-03-11 14:50:47
imageScreenshot 2025-03-11 103854.png / V - Attached On 2025-03-11 14:40:07 UTC - Size: 11.74 KB - 23 views
[2025-03-11 13:52:29]
BillsSBC - Posts: 40
I'm experiencing similar issues.
[2025-03-11 13:54:15]
TheBish75 - Posts: 18
Yea Denali having a hard time this morning for me and many in my server.
[2025-03-11 13:54:48]
User753428 - Posts: 172
definitely something wrong on denali's side man that was so frustrating
[2025-03-11 14:00:01]
allons_trading - Posts: 37
Noticed the same this morning, with a delay stretching out to 30 seconds. Disconnected and reconnected the data feed, and appears to be better for now.
[2025-03-11 14:03:40]
BillsSBC - Posts: 40
This is recurring for me, stutter/lag/delay. What is odd is my NQ feed is noticeably behind while ES appears to be OK. These are on different installations.
[2025-03-11 14:04:59]
User582707 - Posts: 14
I'm very glad I'm not the only one experiencing this. The data is incredibly sluggish/laggy. It is completely unreadable. What is going on?
[2025-03-11 14:06:58]
User753428 - Posts: 172
guys it's literrally untradeable right now i'd at least appreciate a response that you're aware of the problem
[2025-03-11 14:07:55]
opmetal - Posts: 71
Same here. Seconds-long pauses, very jittery.
[2025-03-11 14:09:02]
Rui S - Posts: 198
I confirm this problem. Seriously stuttering!

It's not between Denali servers and the customers location, though.

The problem is somewhere between CME servers and Denali servers.
[2025-03-11 14:17:58]
User513662 - Posts: 91
Yes same here all morning from open. Worse than IB snapshot data lol. First time issue in many years with SC so can give them a pass while they fix!
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2025-03-11 14:22:23
[2025-03-11 14:22:11]
User463107 - Posts: 1
Me as well.
If I restart SC, the issues will resolve for a few minutes before returning.
[2025-03-11 14:22:52]
User753428 - Posts: 172
i'd like to take this time to bring up the issue of sierrachart deliberately disabling cqg data for CME in order to promote their own denali data.

it is good for customers to have the ability to use cqg data as a backup whenever denali shits the bed like today since many users use cqg order routing + denali data combo. sc should stop artificially eliminating market competition at the detriment of its users.
[2025-03-11 14:24:21]
Gary Number 2 - Posts: 131
I am also experiencing datafeed lag (not performance, data!). Thanks
[2025-03-11 14:29:43]
User449884 - Posts: 167
confirming this. stopping at certain ticks for 1-2 seconds.
[2025-03-11 14:30:15]
tomas262 - Posts: 148
This can happen, wise to pause trading or trade smaller size ;-)
[2025-03-11 14:30:42]
User235191 - Posts: 4
I HATE when data providers can't send out a simple message to their customers when this stuff happens. They ALL do it. They could send out a Tweet, an email, something to let people know. But they just can't. It's just too difficult. The 14 seconds it would take would probably distract them from fixing the problem, I guess.
[2025-03-11 14:34:17]
User745743 - Posts: 7
Adding to the list, horrible lag on the denali data today. Brutual and unacceptable.
[2025-03-11 14:39:34]
tomas262 - Posts: 148
strangely I run two instances on the same server to trade MNQ (Teton + Rithmic). Same chart settings and they both lag differently :-)
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2025-03-11 14:39:55
[2025-03-11 14:39:38]
User183686 - Posts: 4
Add me to the list. The data lag is making my day untradeable.

Agree with what someone said, it would be nice if they send something to customers acknowledging there is a problem rather me (the customer) having to go searching to try to make sure it isn't an issue on my end.
[2025-03-11 14:42:36]
nosast - Posts: 313
Same here - tried different Denali servers with no luck. Nasdaq feed looks like it is not affected.
[2025-03-11 14:44:01]
TheBish75 - Posts: 18
I am of the opposite opinion about hearing from SC. They are aware. Let them troubleshoot this and then respond.

Everyone wants them to respond with "we are aware." They are aware. Let them get a handle on it then say something.
[2025-03-11 14:44:05]
User626318 - Posts: 15
im experiencing the same denali is dreadful today
[2025-03-11 14:44:43]
Tooth Fairy - Posts: 80
I only noticed this lagging problem when my ThinkOrSwim showing different price than my SC. Color me surprised haha.

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