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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 04:39:23 +0000

charts stuck on download data

View Count: 204

[2025-02-25 11:37:37]
msiev72 - Posts: 10
I have spent hours trying to get my charts to load properly but it just stays stuck on downloading historical data and the message log just fills up. I have tried all the troubleshooting that the forum suggests but cant get any movement. Thank you
Attachment Deleted.
imageScreenshot 2025-02-24 195224.png / V - Attached On 2025-02-25 11:37:12 UTC - Size: 62.54 KB - 24 views
[2025-02-25 16:02:42]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18838
You cannot use Rithmic data!! You will forever have serious problems. And no help from us at all. Guaranteed.

Refer to:
Rithmic Trading Platform Service: Rithmic Support Policy
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2025-02-25 16:02:53
[2025-02-25 16:40:52]
msiev72 - Posts: 10
ok. thank you. What is my best option then? I have a live account with Ninjatrader. Would that work or do i need to fund an account with a different broker?
[2025-02-25 16:51:05]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38782
You would need to fund an account with another broker as Ninjatrader does not allow for connectivity with Sierra Chart.

Refer to the following for a solution to this:
Easy Solution to CME Funded Trading Account Requirement

Then you can setup the data for the CME Group by following these instructions:
Denali Exchange Data Feed: *Setup Instructions: CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX Exchanges*
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2025-02-27 18:39:25]
msiev72 - Posts: 10
following up. I took your advice and funded an account with Stage five. I have logged in with the new credentials. it loaded my chartbook but the charts are just static from when i opened the chartbook. The pricing is not moving at all. Any ideas on how to fix this?
imageScreenshot 2025-02-27 102846.png / V - Attached On 2025-02-27 18:38:28 UTC - Size: 133.8 KB - 13 views
[2025-02-27 21:07:15]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38782
Everything on your account looks good, so you should be getting the data for instruments traded on the CME exchange.

Note that the image is not helpful as we do not know when the image was taken relative to the bars.

If you are still having an issue with this, then please get us your Message Log by following these instructions:
Follow the instructions here to clear the Message Log:
Message Log: Clearing the Message Log

Close all of the Chartbooks with "File >> Close All Chartbooks".

Open a single chart for the symbol you have an issue with through "File >> Find Symbol". Tell us that symbol of the chart. Tell us about *one* symbol only.

Disconnect from the data feed with "File >> Disconnect".

Connect to the data feed with "File >> Connect to Data Feed".

After the connection and after about 10 seconds, provide a copy of the Message Log following these instructions:
Support Board Posting Information: How to Post Your Message Log (Required In Some Cases)

We will then determine what the problem is.

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2025-02-27 21:19:20]
msiev72 - Posts: 10
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | Software version: 2743 64-bit
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | Primary Thread ID: 16284
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | Usage end date: 2025-04-18
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | Enabled for: Advanced Features 2.
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service.
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | Enabled for: Denali Real-Time Exchange Data Feed.
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | Enabled for: Delayed Denali Exchange Data Feed.
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | Enabled for exchange2: CME
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is enabled.
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | Current selected Data/Trading service: Teton CME Routing
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | Custom symbol settings values: enabled
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | Chart Update Interval: 400
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | Intraday Data Storage Time Unit: 0
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | Time Zone: -05:00:00 (EST-05EDT+01,M3.2.0/02:00,M11.1.0/02:00)
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | 2025-02-27 21:15:33 Local computer time in UTC
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | 2025-02-27 16:15:33 Local computer time in SC Time Zone
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | 2025-02-27 21:12:42 Server time in UTC
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | Local computer UTC time and Server UTC time difference: 2 seconds.
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | Program path: C:\SierraChart\
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | Data Files path: C:\SierraChart\Data\
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | OS Version Number: 10.0
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | Locale Setting: C
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | DLLs: UserContributedStudies_64.dll
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | Allowed protected custom studies:
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 | Crash reporter started: true
2025-02-27 16:15:33.272 |
2025-02-27 16:15:54.922 | Denali Data Feed | Connecting to the server ds25-2.sierracharts.com. Port 443
2025-02-27 16:15:54.922 | DTC Client socket (2) | Creating socket.
2025-02-27 16:15:54.922 | DTC Client socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-27 16:15:54.922 | DTC Client socket (2) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-27 16:15:55.000 | Denali Data Feed | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-27 16:15:55.000 | Denali Data Feed | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-27 16:15:55.000 | Denali Data Feed | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2025-02-27 16:15:55.099 | Denali Data Feed | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-27 16:15:55.099 | Denali Data Feed | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-27 16:15:55.537 | Denali Data Feed | Received logon response.
2025-02-27 16:15:55.537 | Denali Data Feed | Server Name: RealTimeServer.
2025-02-27 16:15:55.537 | Denali Data Feed | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-27 16:15:55.537 | Denali Data Feed | Logon error received from server: Connection limit exceeded. | MaxConnectionsDifferentDevices = 1, NumCurrentConnectionsDifferentDevices = 2
2025-02-27 16:15:55.537 | Denali Data Feed | Failed connections: 4
2025-02-27 16:15:55.537 | Denali Data Feed | Waiting for socket receive thread to end
2025-02-27 16:15:55.538 | DTC Client socket (2) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-27 16:15:55.538 | Denali Data Feed | Disconnected from the server.
2025-02-27 16:15:55.538 | Denali Data Feed | Data feed disconnected. Will reconnect in 60 seconds.
2025-02-27 16:15:55.538 | DTC Client socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-27 16:15:55.614 | DTC Client socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-27 16:15:55.614 | DTC Client socket (2) | Closed.
2025-02-27 16:16:09.685 | Saved Chartbook: ExampleChartbook.cht. Time: 0.0002 seconds.
2025-02-27 16:16:52.865 | NQH25_FUT_CME 1 Min #1 | Reloading chart.
2025-02-27 16:16:53.552 | NQH25_FUT_CME[M] 1 Min #1 | Chart data loading complete.
2025-02-27 16:16:55.538 | Denali Data Feed | Connecting to the server ds32.sierracharts.com. Port 443
2025-02-27 16:16:55.541 | DTC Client socket (2) | Creating socket.
2025-02-27 16:16:55.541 | DTC Client socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-27 16:16:55.541 | DTC Client socket (2) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-27 16:16:55.615 | Denali Data Feed | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-27 16:16:55.615 | Denali Data Feed | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-27 16:16:55.615 | Denali Data Feed | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2025-02-27 16:16:55.708 | Denali Data Feed | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-27 16:16:55.708 | Denali Data Feed | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-27 16:16:56.146 | Denali Data Feed | Received logon response.
2025-02-27 16:16:56.146 | Denali Data Feed | Server Name: RealTimeServer.
2025-02-27 16:16:56.146 | Denali Data Feed | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-27 16:16:56.146 | Denali Data Feed | Logon error received from server: Connection limit exceeded. | MaxConnectionsDifferentDevices = 1, NumCurrentConnectionsDifferentDevices = 2
2025-02-27 16:16:56.146 | Denali Data Feed | Failed connections: 5
2025-02-27 16:16:56.146 | Denali Data Feed | Waiting for socket receive thread to end
2025-02-27 16:16:56.147 | DTC Client socket (2) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-27 16:16:56.147 | Denali Data Feed | Disconnected from the server.
2025-02-27 16:16:56.147 | Denali Data Feed | Data feed disconnected. Will reconnect in 60 seconds.
2025-02-27 16:16:56.147 | DTC Client socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-27 16:16:56.219 | DTC Client socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-27 16:16:56.219 | DTC Client socket (2) | Closed.
2025-02-27 16:17:04.527 | File >> Disconnect selected.
2025-02-27 16:17:04.527 | Teton CME Routing | Waiting for socket receive thread to end
2025-02-27 16:17:04.527 | DTC Client socket (1) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-27 16:17:04.527 | DTC Client socket (1) | Max send buffers used during socket life: 3
2025-02-27 16:17:04.527 | DTC Client socket (1) | Max send buffer size during socket life: 236
2025-02-27 16:17:04.527 | DTC Client socket (0) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-27 16:17:04.527 | Denali Data Feed | Disconnected from the server.
2025-02-27 16:17:04.527 | DTC Client socket (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-27 16:17:04.527 | Teton CME Routing | Disconnected.
2025-02-27 16:17:04.595 | DTC Client socket (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-27 16:17:04.595 | DTC Client socket (1) | Closed.
2025-02-27 16:17:22.566 |
2025-02-27 16:17:22.566 | Teton CME Routing | Firm: Dorman/Stage5
2025-02-27 16:17:22.566 | Teton CME Routing | Connecting to the server futurestrading14.sierracharts.com. Port 11093
2025-02-27 16:17:22.567 | DTC Client socket (1) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2.
2025-02-27 16:17:22.567 | DTC Client socket (1) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-27 16:17:22.567 | DTC Client socket (1) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-27 16:17:22.632 | Teton CME Routing | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-27 16:17:22.632 | Teton CME Routing | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-27 16:17:22.632 | Teton CME Routing | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: none
2025-02-27 16:17:22.834 | Teton CME Routing | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-27 16:17:22.834 | Teton CME Routing | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-27 16:17:22.958 | Teton CME Routing | Received logon response.
2025-02-27 16:17:22.958 | Teton CME Routing | Server Name: SC DTC Server. Build=52100.
2025-02-27 16:17:22.958 | Teton CME Routing | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-27 16:17:22.958 | Teton CME Routing | Successfully connected. Connected to SC DTC Protocol server. Service=cme_ilink3.trading|SymbolSettings=cme_ilink_live.trading.
2025-02-27 16:17:22.958 | Teton CME Routing | Trading is supported.
2025-02-27 16:17:22.958 | Teton CME Routing | Order cancel and replace is supported.
2025-02-27 16:17:22.958 | Teton CME Routing | OCO Orders supported.
2025-02-27 16:17:22.958 | Teton CME Routing | Bracket Orders supported.
2025-02-27 16:17:22.958 | Teton CME Routing | MarketDepthIsSupported: 1
2025-02-27 16:17:22.958 | Teton CME Routing | Connected to server complete.
2025-02-27 16:17:22.959 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | Number times message added: 3
2025-02-27 16:17:22.959 | Updated verified funded futures trading account ending date to: 2025-03-29 21:17:22
2025-02-27 16:17:22.959 | Teton CME Routing | Performing query for most recent Order Activity Date-Time.
2025-02-27 16:17:22.967 | Teton CME Routing | Requesting historical order activity from server. Start date-time UTC: 00:00:00.000000
2025-02-27 16:17:23.021 | Updated verified funded futures trading account ending date to: 2025-03-29 21:17:23
2025-02-27 16:17:23.326 | Mapping NQH25_FUT_CME to NQH25. Service code: cme
2025-02-27 16:17:23.326 | Using symbol data fast lookup vector
2025-02-27 16:17:23.326 | Denali Data Feed | Starting real-time market data updates for: NQH25_FUT_CME (NQH25). ID: 1 Service code: cme
2025-02-27 16:17:23.326 | Denali Data Feed | Connecting to the server ds28-2.sierracharts.com. Port 443
2025-02-27 16:17:23.326 | Denali Data Feed | Requesting security definition data for: NQH25_FUT_CME (NQH25). ID: 1
2025-02-27 16:17:23.327 | Added historical Intraday data request for NQH25_FUT_CME to the queue.
2025-02-27 16:17:23.327 | Intraday data recording state for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME is set to download 'Pending'.
2025-02-27 16:17:23.327 | DTC Client socket (2) | Creating socket.
2025-02-27 16:17:23.327 | DTC Client socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-27 16:17:23.327 | DTC Client socket (2) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-27 16:17:23.327 | Triggering next historical data download in queue.
2025-02-27 16:17:23.333 | Delaying start of download for NQH25_FUT_CME.
2025-02-27 16:17:23.392 | Trace | Basic security definition symbol settings fields ignored in primary service client. Symbol: NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-27 16:17:23.392 | Teton CME Routing | Setting external service identifier for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME to 42288528
2025-02-27 16:17:23.392 | Teton CME Routing | Received security definition for symbol NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-27 16:17:23.406 | Denali Data Feed | Network connection to server complete.
2025-02-27 16:17:23.406 | Denali Data Feed | Starting socket receive thread.
2025-02-27 16:17:23.406 | Denali Data Feed | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard
2025-02-27 16:17:23.494 | Denali Data Feed | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-27 16:17:23.494 | Denali Data Feed | Sending logon request message.
2025-02-27 16:17:23.947 | Denali Data Feed | Received logon response.
2025-02-27 16:17:23.947 | Denali Data Feed | Server Name: RealTimeServer.
2025-02-27 16:17:23.947 | Denali Data Feed | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8
2025-02-27 16:17:23.947 | Denali Data Feed | Logon error received from server: Connection limit exceeded. | MaxConnectionsDifferentDevices = 1, NumCurrentConnectionsDifferentDevices = 2
2025-02-27 16:17:23.947 | Denali Data Feed | Failed connections: 6
2025-02-27 16:17:23.947 | Denali Data Feed | Waiting for socket receive thread to end
2025-02-27 16:17:23.947 | DTC Client socket (2) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-27 16:17:23.947 | Denali Data Feed | Disconnected from the server.
2025-02-27 16:17:23.947 | Denali Data Feed | Data feed disconnected. Will reconnect in 60 seconds.
2025-02-27 16:17:23.947 | DTC Client socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-27 16:17:23.988 | Teton CME Routing | Received final trade activity snapshot. Count=1. No data. TradeAccount=2588A
2025-02-27 16:17:24.017 | DTC Client socket (2) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-27 16:17:24.017 | DTC Client socket (2) | Closed.
2025-02-27 16:17:54.903 | HD Request # 2 | Downloading Intraday chart data for NQH25_FUT_CME to the file NQH25_FUT_CME.scid. Service: cme
2025-02-27 16:17:54.903 | HD Request # 2 | Download start date-time: 2025-02-27 16:13:23.000000. File last date-time: 2025-02-27 16:13:23.093000
2025-02-27 16:17:54.903 | HD Request # 2 | Using server: ds32.sierracharts.com port 10149
2025-02-27 16:17:54.903 | Socket (3) | Creating socket.
2025-02-27 16:17:54.903 | Socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 0
2025-02-27 16:17:54.903 | Socket (3) | Connecting to IP:
2025-02-27 16:17:55.062 | HD Request # 2 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS
2025-02-27 16:17:55.062 | HD Request # 2 | Sending historical data logon request message.
2025-02-27 16:17:55.178 | HD Request # 2 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2025-02-27 16:13:23. Record interval: 0. Symbol: NQH25
2025-02-27 16:17:55.251 | HD Request # 2 | Decompressing data.
2025-02-27 16:17:55.396 | HD Request # 2 | Receiving Intraday data for NQH25_FUT_CME starting at 2025-02-27 16:13:23.081000
2025-02-27 16:17:55.397 | Socket (3) | CloseSocket call.
2025-02-27 16:17:55.397 | Socket (3) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close.
2025-02-27 16:17:55.397 | Historical data download thread signaled to stop.
2025-02-27 16:17:55.397 | HD Request # 2 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2025-02-27 16:13:23.171000.
2025-02-27 16:17:55.397 | HD Request # 2 | Received 2115 Intraday data records from 2025-02-27 16:13:23.081000 to 2025-02-27 16:17:54.040000 (4.5 minutes. Delay: 1.4 seconds) and wrote 2111 records for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-27 16:17:55.403 | HD Request # 2 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2025-02-27 21:17:54.040000
2025-02-27 16:17:55.403 | HD Request # 2 | Completion time: 1s.
2025-02-27 16:17:55.403 | HD Request # 2 | Intraday data download complete for NQH25_FUT_CME. Unique request ID: 2
2025-02-27 16:17:55.403 | Removing historical data download ID 2.
2025-02-27 16:17:55.403 | Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-27 16:17:55.403 | Intraday chart data file opened for NQH25_FUT_CME
2025-02-27 16:17:55.403 | HD Request # 2 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol.
2025-02-27 16:17:55.403 |
2025-02-27 16:17:55.403 | No download requests in the queue to start downloads for.
2025-02-27 16:17:55.403 | Historical data for NQH25_FUT_CME is delayed because connection to main data feed is not present. Current data will be received upon connection.
2025-02-27 16:17:55.469 | Socket (3) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side.
2025-02-27 16:17:55.469 | Socket (3) | Closed.
[2025-02-27 21:19:46]
msiev72 - Posts: 10
i have done all the steps and sent the message log per your request. thank you
[2025-02-27 21:28:21]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38782
The following from your log is the issue:
Denali Data Feed | Logon error received from server: Connection limit exceeded. | MaxConnectionsDifferentDevices = 1, NumCurrentConnectionsDifferentDevices = 2

You are connected to the Denali Exchange Data Feed from your account on another computer at the same time. And you are not setup to allow for data to two computers simultaneously. Refer to the following:
Denali Exchange Data Feed: Denali Exchange Data Feed on Two Computers Simultaneously
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2025-02-27 21:34:16]
msiev72 - Posts: 10
this is the only computer i have ever downloaded sierra on. how can i clear a random second computer?
[2025-02-27 21:54:38]
msiev72 - Posts: 10
i am very confused as i have only one computer that i have ever put sierra on. please advise. Thank you
[2025-02-27 22:15:43]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38782
Please restart Sierra Chart and use the "Forced Login" option to ensure that your local system updates to the information on our servers. It looks like there is an inconsistency here. Refer to the following:
Sierra Chart - Software Login Instructions: Forced Login
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2025-02-27 22:22:39]
msiev72 - Posts: 10
ok. i did that but i cant see if it fixed the problem as market is closed. i will check again at 3pm pst unless there is another way for me to check now?
[2025-02-27 22:33:00]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38782
There is no way to check now. You need to wait for the market to open again.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2025-02-27 23:05:17]
msiev72 - Posts: 10
that did not fix the problem. it is still stuck on price. to clarify, when i close out and reopen it does update to the price at that moment but then does not change the price in real time.
[2025-02-28 06:27:59]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18838
This is an unusual issue.

We want you to select File >> Disconnect in Sierra Chart and wait two minutes.

And then connect with File >> Connect to Data Feed.

Let us know if that resolves the problem.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2025-02-28 18:57:30]
msiev72 - Posts: 10
this fixed it. thank you
[2025-02-28 19:27:31]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18838
This is good. This was very concerning. This is not a normal situation to be happening when you only have Sierra Chart running on one computer and one instance on that computer. We do not know why you had a problem.

Going forward we want you to run Sierra Chart with administrator level access:
Error Messages When Opening Files: Run Sierra Chart with Windows Administrator Level Access

And we want you to run the Network Time Protocol client in Sierra Chart:
Network Time Protocol Client
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

To post a message in this thread, you need to log in with your Sierra Chart account:


Login Page - Create Account