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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:07:09 +0000

[Locked] - Alert Sounds not playing

View Count: 228

[2024-07-05 09:11:17]
User360283 - Posts: 502
Alert sounds not playing any selected Alert (member 1 etc.
Alert sounds in Sierra Sound file play correctly
All alert conditions play only something that sounds like a faint bell rather than the selected alert
Help please
[2024-07-05 12:05:44]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 16387
Refer to:
General Settings Window: Troubleshooting for Alert Sounds That Do Not Play
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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[2024-07-08 13:51:33]
User360283 - Posts: 502
I spent may hours trying to resolve the problem with no success.
I think the entries in the Alert Log are relaters to the problem
The alert log is so big as it blows out my charts
I have copied one line from the Alert Log


Note that NO sound file is referenced

Help please Thanks
[2024-07-08 16:12:37]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34450
That is not a line from from your log. Please give us the line you are referencing.
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[2024-07-08 19:05:26]
User360283 - Posts: 502
I saved the log file with an X in the name.
It is attached
Help please
Attachment Deleted.
Private File
[2024-07-08 20:21:13]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34450
For one thing, you do have a lot of alerts going off. You need to look at how your alerts are setup and whether you want all those alerts or not. If not, then you need to look at what you really want and then adjust your alerts accordingly.

There are two things we can tell from your log.

Study  F.US.MESU24[M] Flex Renko 11-10-1 #4 | Color Bar Based On Alert Condition  Alert - Chart: F.US.MESU24[M] Flex Renko 11-10-1 #4 | Study: Color Bar Based On Alert Condition | Formula: =OR(AND(ID11.SG9[-1] < 0, ID11.SG9 > 0), AND(ID11.SG9[-1] > 0, ID11.SG9 < 0)) is TRUE. | Last Price: 5625.75 | Bar start: 2024-07-08 08:32:56.000 | No alert sound/email.  2024-07-08 08:32:56

You have some alerts that do not have an alert sounds associated with them. Therefore, you will not get any sound from these alerts.

Study  F.US.MESU24[M] Flex Renko 49-48-1 #1 | Color Bar Based On Alert Condition  Alert - Chart: F.US.MESU24[M] Flex Renko 49-48-1 #1 | Study: Color Bar Based On Alert Condition | Formula: =OR(AND(ID11.SG9[-1] < 0, ID11.SG9 > 0), AND(ID11.SG9[-1] > 0, ID11.SG9 < 0)) is TRUE. | Last Price: 5626.00 | Bar start: 2024-07-08 04:30:00.522 | Alert: AlertSound (10) | Alert sound queue is full. Queue size: 24  2024-07-08 08:34:37

Your alert sound queue is full - this is related to having too many alerts occurring at the same time.

The one other thing we want to point out is that you have Alert8 and Alert10 setup for your sounds. If you are not getting anything, then make sure these alerts are setup properly. Refer to the following:
General Settings Window: Troubleshooting for Alert Sounds That Do Not Play
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
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[2024-07-09 10:11:32]
User360283 - Posts: 502
This is vert weird re too many alerts
I have 3 Renko charts and they have he same indicators
The only study that generates audio alerts is the ZigZag
I have the Color Bar Alert With No Audio to mark the ZigZag Pivots
The the problem is still unresolved
Your suggestions are welcomed
[2024-07-09 14:40:30]
User360283 - Posts: 502
I tried this:
Three Renko charts
All have a Zig Zag Study with the same alert code to detect a reversal
=OR(AND(ID11.SG9[-1] < 0, ID11.SG9 > 0), AND(ID11.SG9[-1] > 0, ID11.SG9 < 0))
Audio alert is set to 8 Bong
Alert 8 does not play but something like 3 faint bells does!
Why does the desired audio alert not play?
Help please
[2024-07-09 17:17:32]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34450
We do not know, nor can we possibly know what is occurring. There is something in your setup that you need to find and correct/change.

As we noted, you are getting alerts that are using Alert 8 and Alert 10. Check to see if these are both set to the same alert sound (Bong). Our guess is that one of them is the 3 bells you are hearing.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-07-10 09:23:26]
User360283 - Posts: 502
I removed all alerts leaving only a single alert on the zigzag wit audio alert set to 8
It still does not play the selected sound !!!
Now what
Help please Thanks

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