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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:26:02 +0000

Post From: Alert Sounds not playing

[2024-07-08 20:21:13]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34454
For one thing, you do have a lot of alerts going off. You need to look at how your alerts are setup and whether you want all those alerts or not. If not, then you need to look at what you really want and then adjust your alerts accordingly.

There are two things we can tell from your log.

Study  F.US.MESU24[M] Flex Renko 11-10-1 #4 | Color Bar Based On Alert Condition  Alert - Chart: F.US.MESU24[M] Flex Renko 11-10-1 #4 | Study: Color Bar Based On Alert Condition | Formula: =OR(AND(ID11.SG9[-1] < 0, ID11.SG9 > 0), AND(ID11.SG9[-1] > 0, ID11.SG9 < 0)) is TRUE. | Last Price: 5625.75 | Bar start: 2024-07-08 08:32:56.000 | No alert sound/email.  2024-07-08 08:32:56

You have some alerts that do not have an alert sounds associated with them. Therefore, you will not get any sound from these alerts.

Study  F.US.MESU24[M] Flex Renko 49-48-1 #1 | Color Bar Based On Alert Condition  Alert - Chart: F.US.MESU24[M] Flex Renko 49-48-1 #1 | Study: Color Bar Based On Alert Condition | Formula: =OR(AND(ID11.SG9[-1] < 0, ID11.SG9 > 0), AND(ID11.SG9[-1] > 0, ID11.SG9 < 0)) is TRUE. | Last Price: 5626.00 | Bar start: 2024-07-08 04:30:00.522 | Alert: AlertSound (10) | Alert sound queue is full. Queue size: 24  2024-07-08 08:34:37

Your alert sound queue is full - this is related to having too many alerts occurring at the same time.

The one other thing we want to point out is that you have Alert8 and Alert10 setup for your sounds. If you are not getting anything, then make sure these alerts are setup properly. Refer to the following:
General Settings Window: Troubleshooting for Alert Sounds That Do Not Play
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