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Date/Time: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 08:32:05 +0000

Market Replay > Clear Trade Data popup window > Cancel button - enhancement/bug fix

View Count: 409

[2023-11-17 03:39:49]
User61168 - Posts: 398
Hello SC Support/Engineering,

By definition, the cancel button on this popup window should do nothing and quickly return the control back to the market replay window. Instead, it goes into loading the entire chart and then I have to hit the "stop" button again on the market replay window which reload the chart one more time. It's painful to watch the chart load and reload two times. Could you please fix this process to do nothing and quickly get out of replay mode in one single click?
[2023-11-17 14:38:29]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 16657
The cancel button is not intended on that prompt to cancel the replay.
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[2023-11-17 22:32:01]
User61168 - Posts: 398
It should avoid chart loading but probably a low priority item to address.

Same with calculating studies logic: if I have numerous studies with subgraph set to "ignore", the run time for each study remains 7+ ms instead of 0 ms. Putting a study on "ignore" should completely disable the study and not take any cpu cycles regardless of the value I enter in "number of bars to calculate". Anyways, these are just low priority items but they have been nagging me for several years!
[2023-11-18 02:58:07]
User719512 - Posts: 248
Hi User61168, can you clarify if when you said this:

Same with calculating studies logic: if I have numerous studies with subgraph set to "ignore", the run time for each study remains 7+ ms instead of 0 ms. Putting a study on "ignore" should completely disable the study and not take any cpu cycles regardless of the value I enter in "number of bars to calculate". Anyways, these are just low priority items but they have been nagging me for several years!

if you meant to say "subgraph" and not "study"? I know you can ignore a subgraph, but you cannot ignore a study, and the precise wording here matters to avoid any ambiguity.

Assuming that is the case, if you ignore all subgraphs in a study that does not mean it should not calculate all the values. You might not want to draw all the subgraphs on chart1 and set all subgraphs to ignore, but on chart2 you want to use study/price overlay and see them on that chart. So there is a use case for any study to still calculate everything. There is also the case of how a study that is Hidden should operate. There is no right answer to whether it should calculate or return early and not calculate anything. I have pondered the best behavior in my own studies for what to do when hidden. For most, I return early. For others, I do not.

This is just my opinion, and I am sure there are multiple perspectives to consider.
[2023-11-18 04:35:20]
User61168 - Posts: 398
Hi User719512,

I meant subgraph draw style set to ignore in the dropdown. It is my understanding that a study with all subgraphs set to ignore should work exactly the same way as a study that is disabled (via the enable/disable setting). Unfortunately, not all studies have the enable/disable flag so setting subgraphs to ignore is the only option. Hiding only saves on GPU cycles.

I can't think of any valid use case for a study to be set to ignore and still have the ability to reference its values or even waste cpu cycles to calculate. For instance, a spreadsheet formula study should not even calculate the custom formula if set to ignore. All the countless moving average studies do not have enable/disable flag so setting them to ignore is the only way to reduce load on CPU (if you want to not use it but save it in your collection for future reference OR just turn it off during replay and then turn back on for visual analysis)

Having such "0ms" zero-weight studies allows us to create one universal 'baseline' study collection as a starting point to build all future study collections and eliminates the hassle of version control (for algo developers).

Frankly, SC should never allow a study without enable/disable setting and I have already proposed that in the past along with a new enable/disable flag for the entire collection... these are crucial to preserving compute power.

Edit: I always use the "Hide all" control button before the start of my high speed market replays.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-11-18 04:36:54
[2023-11-18 10:42:15]
User431178 - Posts: 518
I can't think of any valid use case for a study to be set to ignore and still have the ability to reference its values or even waste cpu cycles to calculate. For instance, a spreadsheet formula study should not even calculate the custom formula if set to ignore.

Yes, from your perspective, I am sure others would disagree.
Also, though I guess it makes sense to you, disabling study calculation via the drawstyle setting would surely be an example of bad ui design...

Here's another suggestion to improve performance with calculate studies functionality. The field "Number of bars to calculate" in most studies allows a max value of 2147,483,647 which is significantly high. I cant think of any use case where this value would require a number higher than the actual max number of bars loaded on a chart. Limiting this value automatically to max number of bars loaded in a chart could improve overall recalculation performance. It needs to be done automatically as we don't always have max number of bars readily available (unless we add bar numbering study on the chart to get this max value).

What do you think happens already?
Think about it, how can the study be calculated for more bars than are in the chart? It can't...
If the value set is higher than the number of bars in the chart, then the study calculation begins at the first bar in the chart, how can it possibly do anything different?
[2023-11-18 12:29:47]
User61168 - Posts: 398
I stand corrected on ignore draw style. It is not the same as disabling a study. Just did a test by putting spreadsheet formula study on ignore draw style and I am still able to access the calculated value in color bar alert condition. not worth our time to discuss this further. I will also hide the post to avoid spreading misinformation.

example of bad ui design
... agree. A control menu button similar to hide/unhide study would be great to enable/disable the entire study collection.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-11-18 12:45:51

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