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Date/Time: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 08:29:35 +0000

Post From: Market Replay > Clear Trade Data popup window > Cancel button - enhancement/bug fix

[2023-11-18 02:58:07]
User719512 - Posts: 248
Hi User61168, can you clarify if when you said this:

Same with calculating studies logic: if I have numerous studies with subgraph set to "ignore", the run time for each study remains 7+ ms instead of 0 ms. Putting a study on "ignore" should completely disable the study and not take any cpu cycles regardless of the value I enter in "number of bars to calculate". Anyways, these are just low priority items but they have been nagging me for several years!

if you meant to say "subgraph" and not "study"? I know you can ignore a subgraph, but you cannot ignore a study, and the precise wording here matters to avoid any ambiguity.

Assuming that is the case, if you ignore all subgraphs in a study that does not mean it should not calculate all the values. You might not want to draw all the subgraphs on chart1 and set all subgraphs to ignore, but on chart2 you want to use study/price overlay and see them on that chart. So there is a use case for any study to still calculate everything. There is also the case of how a study that is Hidden should operate. There is no right answer to whether it should calculate or return early and not calculate anything. I have pondered the best behavior in my own studies for what to do when hidden. For most, I return early. For others, I do not.

This is just my opinion, and I am sure there are multiple perspectives to consider.