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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 07:42:43 +0000

Trades rejected for

View Count: 523

[2022-10-12 16:32:43]
User288975 - Posts: 9
We're working through an issue where our trades are being rejected for Insufficient Account Value; we also had trades rejected this morning for the following message:

Auto-trade: NQZ22_FUT_CME[M] 1 Min #4 | 6Contracts TTE LIVE | BuyEntry | Bar start date-time: 2022-10-12 08:40:00.000 | BuyEntry signal is ignored because maximum Long Position quantity allowed has been reached or would be exceeded with new order. Max. Position allowed: 6. Resulting Position without working orders: 6. Resulting Position with all working orders except exits: 12. Resulting Position with Market working orders: 12 | 2022-10-12 08:40:50.982

We've reviewed the corresponding help section and believe this is due to a margin settings issue. We've clicked Trade>> Trading Account Monitor >> Manage >> Edit Trade Account >> Main which brings us to some general settings.

Under Margin settings, there are several relevant lines.

Require Sufficient Margin for New Positions (If No, Position Limit must be met) (Yes / No) ..... ours is set to NO.
Use percent of required Margin.......Ours is set to 0 (disabled)
Use Fixed Cash on Hand Balance ..... ours says YES.


when we click on [*Symbol/Product Limits]

Trade Position Limit ..... 12
Order Quantity Limit..... 24
Use percent of Required Margin ..... 2
Use percent of Required Margin ..... 2
Fixed Margin Cash Value .... 0
Override Margin Other Accounts N

Other pertinant info: we're trading out of a master account for two sub accounts; each sub account is funded substantially, however the "Cah Balance" and available funds in our trade account monitor is only to $7319 and our margin acct says 0.

Is this all correct? We can't get a straight answer best practices for setting this up to trade 12 contracts each of ES and NQ and keep getting order rejections similar to above.

Thanks in advance
[2022-10-12 16:57:03]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38782
If you are using the Spreadsheet System for Trading, then check the Input for Maximum Position Allowed. It sounds like this is set to 6. Refer to the following:
Automated Trading Management: MaximumPositionAllowed

Also check in the Symbol Settings for the option of Use Global Trade Position Limit and make sure this is not enabled, or is set to a value that you want. Refer to the following:
Global Symbol Settings: Use Global Trade Position Limit
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