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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Mar 2025 04:17:06 +0000

Compact Tool Value issue on maximize/minimize window w/ kboard shortcut on detached window

View Count: 1216

[2022-01-07 08:37:55]
Fabio - Posts: 121
Good morning,

I am having some "location" issues with the compact tool value when I maximize/minimize windows outside the main platform (detached windows) through a keyboard shortcut.

If I max/min an attached window with the shortcut, then the CTV moves along the window itself, like it normally would.

However, if I use the same keyboard shortcut in detached windows, then the CTV won't move along, staying stacked in a fixed position. However, using the normal window button (say, the square-shaped ones) the CTV moves along with no issue.

Can you please help me out on that?

[2022-01-07 17:31:12]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38380
We are not really understanding exactly what you are seeing. If you can give us some images so we can see what is happening it would be helpful.
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[2022-01-09 15:26:30]
Fabio - Posts: 121
Yes sure, please find attached.

Pic 1 is a view of 2 markets arranged vertically.
When I click on the maximize button (N.1 - picture 1) the compact tool value (N.2 in picture 1) moves along with the enlarged window, such as in the upper left-hand corner) as shown in picture 2).
The same goes when I restore down the window in order to monitor multiple markets.

However, rather than clicking on the button (N.1 in picture 1), I have a keyboard shortcut to maximize the window and another one for restoring the window.

When I use the keyboard shortcut, the compact tool value window stays in the same position (see Pic 3).

This problem happens only on windows that are detached from sierra chart. Any windows maximized or restored through keyboard shortcuts within the instance, works just fine.

Hope this has been useful to understand the issue.

Look forward to hearing back from you.

imagePic 1.PNG / V - Attached On 2022-01-09 15:12:46 UTC - Size: 101.79 KB - 148 views
imagePic 2.PNG / V - Attached On 2022-01-09 15:12:50 UTC - Size: 88.85 KB - 147 views
imagePic 3.PNG / V - Attached On 2022-01-09 15:22:17 UTC - Size: 75.51 KB - 140 views
[2022-01-10 16:34:44]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38380
We cannot help further with this, as this relates to Detached windows, in which case the Operating System is managing the windows and controls where the Compact Tool Values window shows up.
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