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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Mar 2025 04:11:28 +0000

Post From: Compact Tool Value issue on maximize/minimize window w/ kboard shortcut on detached window

[2022-01-07 08:37:55]
Fabio - Posts: 121
Good morning,

I am having some "location" issues with the compact tool value when I maximize/minimize windows outside the main platform (detached windows) through a keyboard shortcut.

If I max/min an attached window with the shortcut, then the CTV moves along the window itself, like it normally would.

However, if I use the same keyboard shortcut in detached windows, then the CTV won't move along, staying stacked in a fixed position. However, using the normal window button (say, the square-shaped ones) the CTV moves along with no issue.

Can you please help me out on that?
