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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:06:04 +0000

[User Discussion] - Linux version

View Count: 1433

[2021-12-08 07:06:27]
User785723 - Posts: 57
Any plan to release a Linux version of Sierra? It would definitely attract developers more than Windows...
[2021-12-08 11:41:31]
User268846 - Posts: 17
Hello all,

we agree with that. Sierra Chart is a great Software. Simple, reliable, fast. We are software developers and are using Sierra Chart for over a decade now. The point is, as great as the software is, the missing Linux support is starting to become a no go for us. We simply refuse to pay Microsoft any longer for their Server Products. We dont want to support Microsoft anymore at all. This decision is so strong that we are even willing to give up Sierra Chart and rewrite our software using FIX protocol if there will be no Linux version. Thats really sad actually since we are a strong fan of Sierra Chart. We are aware it takes time and resources to make a stable linux version but please Sierra do it! Do it for your loyal customers, do it for professional developers that appreciate your great software and are willing to work with it. Do it to not support Microsoft any longer.

[2021-12-08 12:24:45]
User268846 - Posts: 17
We just want to add that using wine/playonlinux might work for some users but it is not appropriate for everyone. Even a linux compatible DTC client would be a great start in our opinion. We think you have a really unique position in the market. Through Sierra Charts you are providing a very solid solution with server side orders so people do not have to break the bank and pay 10k a month to colocate their servers at CME Aurora datacenter and go for more affordable options nearby. Your efforts to provide your own direct order routing service is a great decision in our opinion. Build up on that and provide native linux support. We think this will bring you and your software ahead of everything else in the industry. No one else can provide a solution like that. We are convinced your customers will value this. Even if they have to pay a little bit more. thats just our opinion.

[2021-12-08 16:39:50]
Tony - Posts: 508
I have been running Sierra Chart on Linux Mint, Manjaro and Fedora for 3+ years,
never had a OS/wine related issue. (2015 iMac, 2016 Mac Book Pro, 2017 Acer Aspire X)
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-12-21 06:18:01
[2021-12-08 17:05:15]
User268846 - Posts: 17
Hi Tony,

that's good to hear. Can you give some details about how you use Sierra Charts?

Maybe I am paranoid but in a production environment running 24/7 I would prefer to use something like Debain stable or Redhat Linux running my software natively instead of using testing distros like Mint/Manjaro/Fedora etc. together with a wrapper.

I am happy to hear about long term experiences of people running Sierra Chart in a production environment with a wrapper like wine/playonlinux.
[2021-12-08 19:30:49]
Tony - Posts: 508
Sure, only from a layman's perspective though.

Currently I am running wine-6.0.1, in terms of configuration after install
wine, all I did was running 'winecfg' and changing 'Screen resolution'
under Graphics tab.

After that, all the workable Windows programs will be treated as native
Linux programs (Running programs, Desktop icons, Taskbar icons etc. since
Wine 5.0), I downloaded 'SierraChartFileDownloader.exe', double clicked it,
and followed the instructions. Same as running Sierra, I just double click
on Sierra Chart Desktop icon that was created by Sierra installer.

Sierra Chart gets streaming data from IB's TWS Linux version, never had
a glitch with IB's API.

I code with ASCIL, and always using 'Remote Build', so I don't need
Visual C++.

That's pretty much it, sometimes I almost forget that it is a Windows
program. I vaguely remember before wine 5.0, I had to go to terminal window
and type something like 'wine SierraChart_64.exe' to run a Windows
program, then I would never forget.

CPU usage for SierraChart_64 (2015 iMac, Linux Mint 19.3) is 4%.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-12-21 06:03:31
[2021-12-08 19:59:23]
User268846 - Posts: 17
Thanks for sharing your experience.
[2021-12-08 21:15:20]
Kiwi - Posts: 375
+1 for a Linux version.

Although wine has been effective it hasn't been without its issues - sierra crashing on startup and sometimes afterwards at one point through a combination SC/Wine/X11 issue.
[2021-12-08 22:19:06]
ertrader - Posts: 668
+1 for a Linux version
Linux/Wine is working well and do understand the hesitation in your environment. Below is my journey with Linux/Wine with the help of many users here!

[2021-12-08 23:07:08]
User268846 - Posts: 17
Hey guys,

I am just curious... How is the majority of you using Sierra Chart?
The majority of the posted hardware seems to be desktop/workstation category so I am wondering: Are you just using SC for charting/data and manual trading?
Are you running automatic trading 24/7 from your workstation at home with Wine?
[2021-12-10 21:31:52]
Kiwi - Posts: 375
Discretionary, may involve minor automation, my daytime. Then off.
[2021-12-11 19:52:30]
ertrader - Posts: 668
Automated entries at times and locations of high probability setups and then discretionary exits. Also, remote access (VNC Connect) when traveling and direct workstation access when home.
[2021-12-21 00:20:10]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 16387
the missing Linux support is starting to become a no go for us. We simply refuse to pay Microsoft any longer for their Server Products
We apologize for the delay.

The first objective, which we will be finishing up in the coming months, and we have made very good progress on, is the removal of MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes) from Sierra Chart and organizing all operating system calls into a common and namespace/class.

This makes porting to another operating system easier.

We cannot give any specific date for direct support for Linux. If you have to find some other alternative in the meantime, then you need to do what you need to do.

Things always take longer than expected since we do have to maintain our existing software, and add new features in response to user requests and we are even quite behind with that.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2024-07-15 13:34:34]
vortega23 - Posts: 7
Dear Sierra Chart support,

Any update on the reorganizing of the operating system calls into a common module? You wrote back in December 2021 that you would be finishing this "in the coming months." I know you cannot give a specific date for direct Linux support, but at least there should have been substantial progress in the past three years. Many of us are still waiting for this. Thanks in advance.

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