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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:23:12 +0000

Post From: Linux version

[2021-12-08 12:24:45]
User268846 - Posts: 17
We just want to add that using wine/playonlinux might work for some users but it is not appropriate for everyone. Even a linux compatible DTC client would be a great start in our opinion. We think you have a really unique position in the market. Through Sierra Charts you are providing a very solid solution with server side orders so people do not have to break the bank and pay 10k a month to colocate their servers at CME Aurora datacenter and go for more affordable options nearby. Your efforts to provide your own direct order routing service is a great decision in our opinion. Build up on that and provide native linux support. We think this will bring you and your software ahead of everything else in the industry. No one else can provide a solution like that. We are convinced your customers will value this. Even if they have to pay a little bit more. thats just our opinion.
