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Date/Time: Thu, 27 Feb 2025 06:12:40 +0000

Depth of market data

View Count: 627

[2021-06-16 22:21:48]
User109490 - Posts: 11
Good evening,

Trying to find my way, I'm in some trouble getting mkt depth, at least for the symbol F.US.MNQ21 (micro NQ). Message log reads 'Not authorized for market depth'. I have package 11-advanced including Denali. In the server settings I registered my CQG credentials, as requested, to prove the existence of a funded trading account (with AMP Futures). The agreement I signed earlier is still based on the account I had at that time (with Dorman through Tradovate). Would filling out a new agreement stating AMP (acc. 139638) resolve the issue, or am I simply overlooking the right settings to get to the mkt depth? Like activating SC Data in the Data/Trade services, which would then by logic cancel out the CQG WebAPI currently in use. I am quite obviously doing something wrong but can't find how to fix it.

Much obliged if you can clear me up on this, thx in advance.
[2021-06-17 13:39:28]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38222
The issue is simply that you did not activate an exchange that includes the Market Depth. To make a change to your CME Group exchanges, go to this page:

Just keep in mind that you will pay the full amount for the remainder of the month in which you activate the exchange. So, if you activate the "COMEX with Market Depth" for $10.40, you will pay $10.40 immediately for the remainder of June, and then $10.40 again on July 1 for July.
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