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Data from IB and Trading a NinjaTrader Account (via CQG API)?

View Count: 1935

[2020-08-07 16:17:22]
User708526 - Posts: 26
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a Sierra Chart subscriber (using Denali Exchange for futures data) and I have the following questions:

1.) As I have access to Sierra Chart from 2 different PCs (the first one is fed real-time futures data from Denali), can I get on my second Sierra Chart access real-time data from Interactive Brokers (I hold a trading account with them) and at SAME time use the CQG API to trade the NinjaTrader Account from within Sierra Chart?

2.) If I wanted to trade the same NinjaTrader account from the two separate PCs using Sierra Charts would I need to pay 2 separate routing fees?

Many thanks in advance,
[2020-08-09 08:50:31]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
1. Interactive Brokers and CQG are supported. Set up instructions are here
Supported Data and Trading Services: Supported Services

You can use the Denali Exchange Data Feed on a second system at the same time but you do need to pay a second set of exchange fees. This is explained here:
Denali Exchange Data Feed: Connections

Also refer to:
Using Multiple Data and Trading Services at the Same Time

2. We do not know but refer to the information here regarding ninja trader:
Using Sierra Chart with Ninja Trader Brokerage
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-08-09 08:51:05
[2020-08-09 20:38:08]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
You have four posts here. This is just too much information for us to read through. Restate your question in one post as short as possible.

You also have the ability to edit your posts with the Edit link in the lower right of a post.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2020-08-09 20:41:05
[2020-08-09 22:06:12]
User708526 - Posts: 26
I deleted the previous messages. So all I need to ask is below:

I have a Sierra Chart (level 5) service with 2 system access but 1 data feed (I have the Sierra Chart Order Routing Service with Market Data Feed for 20 USD/month. I only need the Full CME data (CME/CBOT/NYMEX/COMEX non-professional without depth (I have another service - Tradestation - were my data are with depth).

I have also a CQG WebAPI user/passwrd to trade a NinjaTrader Brokerage/Dorman account from Sierra Charts. I am paying this routing fee ($10/month) from my NinjaBrokerage/Dorman Account. It is working fine so far. I DO NOT want to use NinjaTrader platform to trade the NinjaBrokerage/Dorman account.

Since I also have an Interactive Brokers account (and I until I find another broker in the US to open another futures account) I want to both trade my NinjaBrokerage/Dorman account and the IB account from Sierra and likely would like to have the flexibility to trade both. Either from 2 separate PCs or both from the same PC. I guess for the former I would need a 2nd Data feed from Sierra Chart. Is that correct? If I get one, what shound I get? The one I already have or the Denali with $25? What is the MAIN diffxrence between these 2 data feeds?

For the later, i.e. to trade both the NinjaBrokerage/Dorman account and the IB account from one Sierra Chart access/instance, what do I need in addition to the Sierra Chart Order Routing service with Market Data I have (the one with $20) and the CQG WebAPI routing I have from Ninja/Dorman?

How much is the monthly cost for a 2nd Data Feed (any of the two that is best for my case) and how do I request it? In the Sierra Chart website I did not see any place to subscribe for a 2nd Data feed.

Is there another way to find a way to optimize ALL the above and be able to trade both NinjaBrokerage/Dorman and IB accounts from Sierra Chart with SC Denali Data (either 1 or 2 data feeds)? And having in mind that I will look for a brokerage firm that is "acceptable" to SC to replace some time soon the IB account.

Many thanks in advance,
[2020-08-10 13:38:52]
John - SC Support - Posts: 37842
We will admit to still being a bit confused on exactly the setup you want. It sounds like you simply want to be able to trade both your Dorman account and your IB account using Sierra Chart, and you want to use the Denali Exchange Data feed with your Dorman setup, but not necessarily for the IB setup.

If we have this correct, then here is what you would need to do in general:
1. Install 2 different instances of Sierra Chart on the Same computer (you will save some money by having them on the same computer, if you need them on different computers, then you would need to pay for a second instance of the Denali Exchanges). Refer to the information here for installing 2 Sierra Chart instances on the same computer:
Using Multiple Data and Trading Services at the Same Time: Step-By-Step Instructions to Install Multiple Copies of Sierra Chart

2. In one of the installations, you would set it up to connect to your Dorman account with CQG and use the Denali Exchange Data Feed. Be sure that the option for File >> Data/Trade Service Settings >> Allow Support for Sierra Chat Data Feeds is Enabled. To do this, follow these instructions:
CQG Trading Platform Service: Setup Instructions

3. In the other installation, set it up to connect to IB. In this case, be sure that the option for File >> Data/Trade Service Settings >> Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is NOT enabled. Follow these instructions to connect to IB:
Interactive Brokers Trading Service: Setup Instructions


If you do want to use the Denali Exchange Data Feed in the IB connected version, then just change the option for File >> Data/Trade Service Settings >> Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds to Enabled.


One note, you have subscribed to the Denali Exchange Data Feed for the SC Order Routing. This is the option to select if you are using the SC Order Routing, which you are not at this time. Refer to the information here about the SC Order Routing:
Sierra Chart / Trading Technologies Futures Order Routing Service

You really need to select the other option for the data feed itself. It is $5 more per month. You can make this change here:
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2020-08-10 15:27:23]
User708526 - Posts: 26

First of all thank you for the detailed reply and your patience with me.
I am not IT/tech savvy so I know the basics ONLY.

I was wondering whether I could somehow trade both the Dorman and the IB accounts from 1 Sierra instance. Not 2 seperate instances.
I DO NOT want to run two Sierra instances on the same PC (at least NOT at this stage). I would rather run one Sierra on one PC, to trade Dorman and another Sierra on a 2nd PC to trade the IB account.

If trading BOTH accounts from one Sierra instance IS NOT DOABLE, then I would have to get a 2nd Denali Exchange Data feed (not a problem to get a 2nd feed). I just need to be sure that I have the correct/optimal setup.

So please, let me know how do I subscribe to a 2nd Denali Data Feed? Do I request it from here? I have not seen on the website, or at least I do not recall, an area to place an order for a second data feed. And more importantly, which if the two Denali Data feeds I need, having in mind that I NOW have the one with $20/mo? Honestly, I have not understood the difference between the two.

So assume that:
1. I will be using one data feed on one PC, on which I would like to have charting from the Denali/SC data feed and trade the Ninja/Dorman account using the CQG routing I already have.

2. On the 2nd PC I would like to have charting from SC/Denali data and trade the IB account. Assume that some time soon this IB account will likely be closed and have either an AMP Futures or some broker from Sierra's list.

Which SC/Denali Feed I need for my 2nd Data connection?

Many thanks for your guidance and patience,
[2020-08-10 15:57:12]
John - SC Support - Posts: 37842
We now understand what you want to do.

First of all, Sierra Chart is not really setup to easily allow trading to two different brokerages from the same installation. Therefore, it is best if you install Sierra on the two different computers. There is nothing special about installing on the two different computers, just follow the same process to install Sierra Chart again, and you can use the same Account Name and Password on both, as we allow 2 the software on 2 different computers.

Then you just need to setup both versions of Sierra Chart to connect to the appropriate trading service. Refer to the following information for CQG:
CQG Trading Platform Service: Setup Instructions

And here for IB:
Interactive Brokers Trading Service

And finally, you will want to enable the Denali Exchange Data Feed to allow you to have access to on two different computers. You can do this on this page in the section entitled Number of Systems. Just set this to 2 Systems for your purposes. Note that you will be immediately charged for the full month of the exchanges that you already have active:

That will take care of getting you setup and trading.


To change your Denali Data Feed selection, just select the option for Denali Exchange Data Feed for All Services in this section:

The difference between the two options is simply that we give a $5 discount for users of the Sierra Chart Order Routing Service. You are not using that service right now, so you need to select the other option.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2020-08-10 16:18:14]
User708526 - Posts: 26
Thanks John.
I already updated the current Denali from what I had to "All Services" but when I tried to set this to 2 systems I got the message:
Error setting number of systems to 2.

Am I doing something wrong or something needs to be done/setup on your end? Please advise how to proceed so I get this done ASAP.
Thanks again,
[2020-08-10 16:23:38]
John - SC Support - Posts: 37842
I see what the problem is with activating the second system, but I need to figure out how to fix it. It may be a few hours before I can get back to you.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2020-08-10 16:31:05]
User708526 - Posts: 26
Ok John .. many thanks.
No real rush ... I have been very satisfied with Sierra's service.
I can wait for a few hours or more. ok?

Best wishes,
[2020-08-10 16:52:33]
John - SC Support - Posts: 37842
The issue is that you had activated the Full CME Group (CME, CBOT, COMEX, NYMEX) with Market Depth for nonprofessional Trading accounts and then you deactivated it and then activated a different exchange. Since you had activated that exchange, it is still valid through the rest of the month, as you pay for the entire month up front.

So now, when you are wanting to add the second system, it is not letting you, as our system sees it as an "inconsistency" in the selection of the exchanges.

Therefore, you have 2 options:
1. Reactivate the Full CME Group (CME, CBOT, COMEX, NYMEX) with Market Depth for nonprofessional Trading accounts and then select the 2nd system option. The problem with this is that you will be charged the additional $31.20 for that exchange as well as the $3.25 for the other one.

2. Wait until September 1 when the Full CME Group (CME, CBOT, COMEX, NYMEX) with Market Depth for nonprofessional Trading accounts will be no longer on your account, then you can activate the additional system and only be charged the additional $3.25 for the second exchange.

It is up to you as to which way to go. I apologize that the system does not allow the flexibility to have a 3rd option, but some of this is due to how the exchanges require the data to be done and for how we keep track of it.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2020-08-10 17:11:53]
User708526 - Posts: 26
Thanks John. I will decide later on tonight and proceed accordingly.

Super ... thank you,
[2020-08-10 17:24:39]
User708526 - Posts: 26
So if I want to have 2 Denali data feeds now I have to incite this extra $31.20 until August 31st. This way I will have 2 Dara feeds until the end of month.

Then, on that day I deactivate that and revert to Full CME without depth and in my two data feeds I will go back to $3.25 exchange fees per feed. Right?
[2020-08-10 17:37:38]
John - SC Support - Posts: 37842

If you do decide to reactivate the Full CME Group (CME, CBOT, COMEX, NYMEX) with Market Depth for nonprofessional Trading accounts and pay the extra $31.20 this month, then you can deactivate the exchange right after you select the second system. You do not have to wait until the end of August and try to remember to do it.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2020-08-10 17:45:04]
User708526 - Posts: 26
Thanks John. I will do that.
[2020-08-10 17:55:38]
User708526 - Posts: 26
I did activate full CME with market depth and it was able to set the data feed available to 2 systems. Super easy!

So now, if I run a 2nd Sierra system I have the Denali Data feed. Later today or tomorrow I go back and deactivate it and revert back to the exchange fees without depth, right?

[2020-08-10 18:58:16]
John - SC Support - Posts: 37842
Yes. That is correct.

You will still receive the Market Depth data through the rest of this month, as you have already paid for it, so what you are really doing is just setting it to not automatically renew next month. Then on September 1, you will no longer see the Market Depth data.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2020-08-11 10:37:01]
User708526 - Posts: 26
Hi John good morning,

After I subscribed to Full CME with depth I set the systems to 2 and was able to add the Denali Data Feed (for $25/mo).
Moments ago I deactivated the Full CME with depth and on the Denali Exchange and see 2 sets. But on the Control Panel I see that the Denali Feed and the Exchange Fees are $31.25. That does not seem right. Should be $25x2= $50 for the feeds and another $6.50 for the 2 Full CME without depth, i.e. a total of $56.50? Why the 2nd Denali feed is not calculated? Is it because I have already paid for it?

I just want to make sure the when the end of month comes I have 2 Denali Data Feeds (at $25 each) and I am paying 2 Full CME Exchange Fees for $3.25 each. Is my account set to renew correctly 2 Denali data feeds + the CME fees without depth?

Best regards and thanks,
[2020-08-11 11:26:40]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
You only pay the exchange fees twice. Not for the Denali data feed real-time connection.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2020-08-11 11:53:49]
User708526 - Posts: 26
So my monthly data feed charges after August 31st will be $31.50 total and that’s it?
[2020-08-11 13:51:40]
John - SC Support - Posts: 37842
Correct. $25.00 for the Data Feed itself and then 2 x $3.25 ($6.50) for the exchanges.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing

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