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Date/Time: Mon, 03 Feb 2025 22:47:46 +0000

Real Time quotes Trial subscriptions

View Count: 1451

[2019-11-22 14:29:45]
User664240 - Posts: 206
Not sure my previous question was ever posted as I do not see it under my user ID. Mainly I don't seem to be receiving real time quotes under my trial membership? Further when updating to newest version I received error messages which I sent as a log file. I'm receiving quotes though they seem to be behind the actuals
[2019-11-22 14:34:50]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
What markets do you need data for or want to trade? For example, what particular futures, Forex or stock symbols. You can also give us the exchanges that the particular symbol or symbols trade on.

If you require real-time futures data, then refer to:

Be sure to read the page linked above completely before making a further inquiry regarding real-time *futures* data. And confirm to us that you understand the requirements for access to real-time futures data.

I received error messages which I sent as a log file.
Are you referring to an error message in the Sierra Chart Message Log?
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-11-22 14:35:35
[2019-11-22 14:39:17]
User664240 - Posts: 206
Apparently the new version has trouble creating a folder in vmware's directories, triggering the error message. I'm still befuddle though by the lack of real time quotes. Is delayed the default setting.
[2019-11-22 14:46:18]
User664240 - Posts: 206
Sorry I missed your reply. Yes I see real time is not included, However the my mistake was knowing the exchanges allow for a two week trial of real time data and I figured sierra took advantage of it as rithmic does. I need access to NYMEX and CME @ the minimum. if I need to pay $5 ok
[2019-11-22 14:49:40]
User664240 - Posts: 206
It's difficult to post a screen shot, but I'm referring to after Sierra is closed and the new ver. is downloaded clicking on the install brings up a window showing the progress and in the window it states "can't create folder" and the install stops.
[2019-11-22 16:06:40]
User664240 - Posts: 206
I'm running CQG on a separate device from sierra charts but connected to the same router. And yes I have a fully funded futures account @ advantage futures. What is the easiest method for me to connect sierra charts to real time Data. subscribing to Denali or can I direct it to my CQG feed but the key is I'm looking to keep both running in real time.
[2019-11-22 17:39:59]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Apparently the new version has trouble creating a folder in vmware's directories, triggering the error message.
Refer to:
Error Messages When Opening Files

Regarding CQG, is Sierra Chart connected to CQG?

Regarding real-time data, we have to verify that you do have the funded trading account. We will follow-up with you on this. But if you have Sierra Chart connected to CQG, that would work. Instructions:
CQG Trading Platform Service: Setup Instructions
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-11-22 17:40:32
[2019-11-22 22:21:51]
User664240 - Posts: 206
I successfully coupled to CQG, However the log-in credentials are single platform use only. Leaving me to enable Denali if I wish run CQG desk top simultaneously. My FCM mentioned the possibility of having two CQG id's but I don't believe the exchanges permit that. FWIW I'm as frustrated as the next guy over these exchange data policies, I'm paying 3 user fees plus an ICE additional user fee as they tac on their VIG.
[2019-11-22 22:46:52]
User664240 - Posts: 206
Also I understand your stopping support for Rithmic but if you could share your experience as to which Data stream is more stable and robust it would help me going forward. Right Now I'm leaning towards a rithmic Sierra chart combo
[2019-11-23 04:45:56]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
Yes between CQG and the CME this is exceptionally maddening.

Have a look at our TT based order routing:
Sierra Chart / Trading Technologies Futures Order Routing Service

There are no limits on the number of connections to that service. But market data would be limited to two connections at a time for CME market data if you are a nonprofessional.

The most reliable data feed is definitely going to be the Denali data feed:
Denali Exchange Data Feed

Sierra Chart's integration to Rithmic is not reliable. That would be a poor choice.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-11-23 04:48:15
[2019-11-27 20:35:40]
User664240 - Posts: 206
Well I'm nearly halfway through most of the Docs and I'm rather impressed from my perspective you've correctly anticipated many high level questions.

A few questions I have that I either didn't get to yet or I'm a bit fuzzy about:
1) Do you have a command that populates the spreadsheet several cells @ once. This is critical when analyzing option chains.
2)I'm bit fuzzy on multiple monitors, say three, do you use one instance of SC and 2 sub-instances or Three separate instances of SC.
3) Say I wanted to look @ seasonality of the grains old/new crop for the past five years. Could I use the overlay function and draw 10 charts two for each year than overlay for the spread. In other words do I have access to 5 years ago Daily Data to construct the appropriate charts.
4) you mentioned the TT feed, awhile back they had an outage on their web based platform, did it affect users on SC's TT data line. I do think they have separate servers for the web and stand alone products.
5) one reason I was leaning towards rythmic was they have server side MIT orders this is key to minimize slippage I see TT does not offer this YET? Any idea if they will or can you implement this feature?
[2019-11-28 03:16:01]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
1) So you want to fill cells with option chains? Currently the only way to do this is programmatically:

2) This is all explained here:
Detaching and Attaching Chart Windows

3) There is more than five years of data available. And the way to do this is with the Add Additional Symbol study:
Add Additional Symbol

Specifically refer to this Input and the following one:
Add Additional Symbol: First Date to Load

4) Yes that outage did affect Sierra Chart users. The order routing service uses what is called the TT FIX platform. We recommend contacting TT to see what they can tell you they have done since then to ensure this will not happen again. We have not seen any incident like that since then.

5) We have asked TT if they have server-side Market if Touched orders.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-11-28 03:16:51
[2019-11-28 04:03:08]
User664240 - Posts: 206
Great. WRT to the spreadsheets Do the separate sheets have the COPY and FIND and REPLACE commands? This way I only need to populate one sheet once.

I take it you're still waiting for a response from TT?
To summarize the Data streams
TT and CQG both offer server side Bracket orders but TT adds OCO's
while CQG has one pipe for Data and orders TT uses two.
And Finally Denali also uses one Pipe and offers no server side orders.
All the above is in reference to the CME group of exchanges.
[2019-11-28 06:50:58]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
And Finally Denali also uses one Pipe and offers no server side orders.
Not sure how you came to this conclusion. Server-side OCO and Bracket orders are fully supported with the Sierra Chart order routing service:

And the Sierra Chart order routing service does use two separate connections for market data and trading.

CQG both offer server side Bracket orders
This is not supported in Sierra Chart.

For the available Spreadsheet commands, refer to:
Spreadsheet Menu
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-11-28 06:54:00
[2019-12-01 19:43:00]
User664240 - Posts: 206
1)Server side MIT orders:
I came to that conclusion perhaps erroneously but not irrationally through the combination of the extensive thought behind the software and your brief comment "we asked TT abt SS MIT" as opposed to "we asked TT abt SS MIT orders, but never the less we are developing them for our own Danali order routing service" this would have conveyed that you've already developed B.O. and OCO server orders.

2) As we've discussed CQG has issue, but PERHAPS unknown to you they also are very poor @ valuing non-top day options. In short advantage must adjust my PnL nightly to avoid a NEG Acct.balance and the resulting unable to trade message, probably the main reason for my interest in another trade execution system. This is critical, now as I understand the process the daily PnL and Daily net Liquidity is calculated by whomever I use to execute the orders. Now I know TT does NOT share these issues, however your Denali feed appears more stable and robust than TT's given their history. Advantage tells me they have several SC. users but were unaware of the Denali feed this could be a function of several factors, the person I spoke with in the risk department, they label both feeds(data and orders) S.C. or host of other reasons. But as far as net liquidity calculations have you experienced this(neg-net bal) with the denali feed?

3) I was unable to progammatically populate the SC SprSht. Curiously why did you choose not incorporate RTD for excel, was it to slow as I can guess @ the advantages of having Data go directly to software embedded sprdsht. Perhaps you would be so kind to give me an example of how to populate call options for NG using the CQG symbol (C.LNE). Also I see you have the command delete sheet but not copy sheet. Enabling Copy sheet combined with Find and replace would enable users to RE-USE the same sprdsht and hence only need to populate it once.

4)Lastly is extraneous decimals (see link)understandably your just pushing through the value from the data feed however two affects need to be address, the volume has a decimal and extraneous tenths and hundredths zeros, adjusting the format to ONE from default only temporally eliminates this as upon close a re-open they seem to re-appear. Second and more important are the decimals in the option prices although correct they are a distraction. I've uploaded a CQG Scrn Sht of a decimal free Sprd Sht, but of course it will be up to you to decide if this is a personal preference or something all your users would benefit from.

Private File
[2019-12-03 03:23:08]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We will get your other questions but TT did come back with the documentation for submitting various types of advanced orders including Market if Touched orders:

So we have to take some time to study this to see how to support this. But clearly it does look possible.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-12-03 03:23:16
[2019-12-07 07:31:41]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18234
2. In regards to the Denali Exchange Data Feed and the TT based Sierra Chart order routing service, these are separate from each other. In regards to Daily Profit/Loss, this is client-side calculated. This page has more information:
Help With Daily Profit/Loss Value

4. You can control the number format:
Spreadsheet Menu: Spreadsheet >> Number Format

We will work on Market if Touched order support for the Sierra Chart order routing service as soon as we can.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2019-12-07 07:32:46
[2019-12-07 15:02:45]
User664240 - Posts: 206
2)Not sure how you conclude I'm unaware that Denali and TT are not separate feeds, but my actual question restated is before I can or anyone for that matter execute a trade the "software" checks the amount of margin in the account and then calculates the net margin of the impending trade to determine if one has sufficient funds for the execution of that specific trade. Now TT uses a method that correctly values NON top day options. Denali?
3) No mention of implementing "copy sheet" and "find and replace" is this something you can address. How about some way to import an excel sheet? or an example of how to programmatically populate the SprdSht.
Lastly being that I was somewhat on hold waiting for your responses could you so kindly grant me another week on my free trial. It ends today 12/07.
[2019-12-07 15:13:25]
User664240 - Posts: 206
Also I see your working on ilink..Is there an ETA as this is critical to dropping my trades into an option analysis package from SC.

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