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Date/Time: Mon, 03 Feb 2025 22:43:06 +0000

Post From: Real Time quotes Trial subscriptions

[2019-12-01 19:43:00]
User664240 - Posts: 206
1)Server side MIT orders:
I came to that conclusion perhaps erroneously but not irrationally through the combination of the extensive thought behind the software and your brief comment "we asked TT abt SS MIT" as opposed to "we asked TT abt SS MIT orders, but never the less we are developing them for our own Danali order routing service" this would have conveyed that you've already developed B.O. and OCO server orders.

2) As we've discussed CQG has issue, but PERHAPS unknown to you they also are very poor @ valuing non-top day options. In short advantage must adjust my PnL nightly to avoid a NEG Acct.balance and the resulting unable to trade message, probably the main reason for my interest in another trade execution system. This is critical, now as I understand the process the daily PnL and Daily net Liquidity is calculated by whomever I use to execute the orders. Now I know TT does NOT share these issues, however your Denali feed appears more stable and robust than TT's given their history. Advantage tells me they have several SC. users but were unaware of the Denali feed this could be a function of several factors, the person I spoke with in the risk department, they label both feeds(data and orders) S.C. or host of other reasons. But as far as net liquidity calculations have you experienced this(neg-net bal) with the denali feed?

3) I was unable to progammatically populate the SC SprSht. Curiously why did you choose not incorporate RTD for excel, was it to slow as I can guess @ the advantages of having Data go directly to software embedded sprdsht. Perhaps you would be so kind to give me an example of how to populate call options for NG using the CQG symbol (C.LNE). Also I see you have the command delete sheet but not copy sheet. Enabling Copy sheet combined with Find and replace would enable users to RE-USE the same sprdsht and hence only need to populate it once.

4)Lastly is extraneous decimals (see link)understandably your just pushing through the value from the data feed however two affects need to be address, the volume has a decimal and extraneous tenths and hundredths zeros, adjusting the format to ONE from default only temporally eliminates this as upon close a re-open they seem to re-appear. Second and more important are the decimals in the option prices although correct they are a distraction. I've uploaded a CQG Scrn Sht of a decimal free Sprd Sht, but of course it will be up to you to decide if this is a personal preference or something all your users would benefit from.

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