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Date/Time: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 22:30:58 +0000

Alert Manager window footprint screen real estate

View Count: 1855

[2018-11-17 15:04:56]
User14953 - Posts: 243
The Sierra Chart Alert Manager window footprint takes a lot of screen real estate.
Tabs, menus, headers, title bars, that are static, no new info.
Is there a way to make it more compact?

Examples of compact Alert Text wanted, - headers are unnecessary during use. . .
Symbol, Timeframe and Chart Number, custom study "Formula"
ABCD, 10 min #14, BURG-SHT
LMNO, 30 min #7, GRUB-LNG
and so on . . .
Can Do?
Is there a work-around a user can kludge together?
Does a user forum address this configuration stuff?

Alerts Manager

The long version of message above.

The Sierra Chart Alert Manager window footprint takes a lot of screen real estate.
Vertically, we have rows of "knobology" like tabs, menus, headers, title bars, that are static, no new info.

Is it possible to select and deselect, or put another way, view on and view off that upper section of the Sierra Chart Alert Manager window and realize a huge immediate footprint reduction?

When it comes to the good stuff, the "dashboard" part of the Alert Manager window, Horizontally, access to the updating of the non-static Alerts Log can be of great value.
Alerts Log headings:
Source, not enough info for purposes here.
Alert Text, Tons of info, big forest here

Examples of compact Alert Text wanted, - headers are unnecessary during use. . .
Symbol, Timefreme and Chart Number, "Formula"

(something more than the "Source" column's posting of the spreadsheet filename where several custom studies slave away"
ABCD, 10 min #14, BURG-SHT
LMNO, 30 min #7, GRUB-LNG
and so on . . .

Alerts Manager
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-11-17 15:15:36
[2018-11-19 07:42:52]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
We are working on removing the buttons from that window and they will be replaced with menu commands. We can see about removing the tabs as well. We could probably use the menu to support selecting different "tabs".

As far as adding more columns with individual details, that will come later.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2018-11-19 07:43:12
[2019-06-14 19:15:05]
User14953 - Posts: 243
When there's a beep, show me which chart to view.

Compact Alert Mgr Window

Please - a way to display in small space, Which Chart To View When An Alert Occurs.

Why not limit a 'Compact Alert Mgr Window' to concise essential content? No Buttons, No Frames, No Scrollbars, No TitleBar, No Tabs, No Menu, No Headers, No Blank Space, No Pool, No Pets. lol.

When there's a beep, show me which chart to view. If I need the other stuff, I'll hit Ctrl-Alt-A and call up the super-sized Alert Manager Window.

imageSierra Chart Alert Manager Super Sized and Compact.png / V - Attached On 2019-06-14 19:13:10 UTC - Size: 77.57 KB - 413 views
[2019-06-14 21:36:59]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
What we can do is add an option to cause the alert message to display in the compact alert pop-up window.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2019-06-15 00:19:05]
User14953 - Posts: 243
Sounds great
re: 'an option to cause the alert message to display in the compact alert pop-up window.'

How would something like that look?

When all unavoidable frames & scrollbars & titlebars & yadda yadda are rolled in, what size would the pop-up window be compared to the orange outline attached? Taller is better than Wider. taller? wider? both? how much?
1) Size?
2) Scrolling?
Would new alerts scroll in from the top and out the bottom of a single compact pop-up window?
Would new pop-up alert windows displace downward the prior pop-up alerts windows?
Would each new alert spatter another pop-up, would they cascade, side by side, pop-over cover the prior?
3) Resizable?
If Scrolling is a go, then could user click and drag to resize the popup up or maybe select the number of alerts to display? eg. a compact pop-up window with capacity set at ten alerts would be a third as tall when full as a full one with capacity set at 30 alerts. Both would hopefully scroll new alerts in the top and out the bottom, regardless of the window height or capacity setting number.

Open for Suggestions . . .

imageSierra Chart Alert Manager Super Sized and Compact97.png / V - Attached On 2019-06-15 00:18:38 UTC - Size: 216.83 KB - 419 views
[2019-06-18 17:25:23]
User14953 - Posts: 243
When you can, What is the status of this Thread, please?

Alert Manager window footprint screen real estate

[2019-06-19 23:30:42]
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368
This new setting will be out in 1937:
General Settings Window: Add Alert to Compact Alert Popup Window (Global Settings >> General Settings >> Alerts >> Additional Settings)

Once you see the compact pop-up alert window, it will answer all of your questions. And it will do exactly what you want.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy:

For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing
[2019-06-20 06:54:22]
Acro - Posts: 442
It is great to have a compact window but in 1937 you have to have that window really, really wide if you want to see the time of the alert

eg I have an alert within a color bar based on alert and the "compact" window lists the entire formula before it gets to the time.
With a complex alert formula you can't see the time in the compact window if you do actually make it narrow

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